Sickie: Chan
Caregivers: Jisung
No one's POV.:
Chan released a shaky breath, slipping his hand under his shirt to rest it on his stomach. The organ had felt off for the last two hours and running his fingers over it, Chan had to realize just how bloated he had gotten. He had been alone at the studio all morning, editing some songs him and the kids had recorded recently. It was a good thing they were done recording because his stomach was so noisy, he wouldn't have stood a chance recording his lines without the microphone picking up the angry gurgles. Bringing his hand up to his face, he muffled a belch against his knuckles and winced at the sour taste. Chan wasn't sure whether the indigestion came from his irregular eating patterns or if the delivery food he had ordered because he didn't want to interrupt his work had been the problem but the stomach ache was slowly starting to interfere with his productivity. Feeling his stomach churn was distracting and the occasional cramps twisting his insides were intense enough to let his mind go blank for a few seconds at a time, so he frequently forgot what he had intended to do moments before.
Accepting that he wouldn't get anything done like this, Chan pushed his chair back and took a few deep breaths. Maybe he just had to move around a little to help his digestion, so he carefully got up and walked down the hallway. Chan had to take it pretty slow though, starting to feel a little queasy as every step rocked his already upset stomach. Just when he made it to the end of the hallway, his stomach cramped up a sharp pain shooting through his entire abdomen. For a second, Chan couldn't breathe, bracing himself against the wall before dropping into a crouch. He forced himself to at least take small, shallow breaths to ride the wave of pain but his vision was going a little blurry around the edges. Biting his lip, Chan squeezed his eyes shut and drew a shaky breath once the cramp let up. No, moving was most definitely not doing the trick. His legs felt weak and putty-like as he dragged himself back to his studio. He didn't want anyone to find him curled up somewhere in the hallway, so he really needed to make it back to the safety of his studio before the next cramp would hit.
Chan weakly plopped back into his seat and pulled his legs up to his chest, trying to relax. He knew it'd only hurt more the more he tensed up, yet it was incredibly hard not to be tense when it already hurt this badly. Carefully palming his sore middle, he contemplated his options. He doubted he'd get anything done at the moment, the pain making it impossible to focus. Jisung had always been prone to stress stomachaches and Chan knew the younger loved hot water bottles in those situations. How many times he had brought his dongsaeng tea and a hot water bottle over the years....
Packing up his belongings at a snail's pace, afraid to trigger a cramp by moving too fast, Chan already made up his mind. He could do his editing at the dorm anyway, so why not curl up with a hot water bottle and continue editing from the comfort of his bed. With slouched shoulders he shuffled to their managers' office, informing them that he wouldn't be at the company building that afternoon because he wasn't feeling well but promised he'd keep working and get everything done in time. His stomach gave a wet gurgle about halfway through his explanation as if to prove a point. Nobody doubted that Chan would try his best to keep working from home, so they were quick to get him a ride back to the dorm and told him to feel better and to give them a call if he wasn't doing any better by the next day. As he waited for his ride, he quickly let the other members know that he wouldn't be at the studio, so they wouldn't be confused if they stopped by.
The drive back to his dorm seemed endless to Chan, every turn in the road threatening to set his stomach off. His rising nausea made him break into a sweat and by the time he climbed out of the car with trembling legs, his damp shirt stuck to his back, making him shudder when he got hit by a gust of wind. Goosebumps pricked his skin as he made his way up to the dorm, struggling to unlock the door due to his hands shaking. Another cramp hit him and Chan bent over, hugging himself as he struggled to breathe through it. He had really wanted this hot water bottle and maybe also some tea to sip on but kicking off his shoes already took so much effort, he wasn't sure he had the energy to turn on the kettle and wait for the water to boil. Knowing he should really go and set up his laptop in his room, so he could get back to work, Chan leant against the wall for a moment to collect himself. His mouth watered and he startled himself with a sudden gag, clamping his hands over his mouth in a panic.

Fluffy SKZ Oneshots EP.2🧸
FanfictionCute Stray Kids sickfics and littlespace oneshots Requests closed #3 - sickfic (21.10.2022)