Sickie: Seungmin
Caregiver: mainly Minho
No one's POV.:
Seungmin was scheduled to participate in a TV show, which he had been looking forward to for a long time. The shoot wasn't too close to their dorm, so it had been decided that the vocalist would be staying in a hotel closer to the set for the scheduled two days. Two days didn't seem too long and he was pretty excited when the date got closer. He'd have to pack his luggage soon but there wasn't much he would need, at least, not that he could think of. His stylists would take care of the outfits he'd be wearing on set and he didn't need that much more for only two days. What Seungmin hadn't planned on though, was him waking up a little under the weather a few days before his departure. Over night it had become impossible for the vocalist to breathe through his nose and his head was all fuzzy, aching slightly. They had a dance practice scheduled for the day, so he rolled out of bed, wincing at how stiff his muscles felt before making his way to the kitchen to get a drink.
Exiting his room, Seungmin was surprised at how cold the rest of the dorm was in comparison to his room but he could faintly remember getting up during the night and adjusting the aircon in his room because he had felt cold. Still half asleep, Seungmin was solely focused on his task of getting a glass of water and didn't notice his dormmate entering the kitchen at the same time. Tiredly rubbing his eyes, Minho greeted: "Good morning." His dongsaeng, who had just grabbed a glass from the cupboard, jumped and almost dropped it as he looked at Minho in shock. "Good morning, hyung", Seungmin rasped, still a little shaken, "I really didn't see you there." - "Mhm, it's early", the dancer agreed, not surprised that the other was still a bit out of it. What did surprise him though, was how scratchy his dongsaeng's voice sounded. Sipping his water, Seungmin gave a soft sniffle and shuddered when the cool liquid entered his stomach. Next to him, Minho was starting to make breakfast, aware of the intense practice session they had scheduled for today. "Could you do me a favor and check if Felix and Jeongin are up already?", the dancer asked, setting four plates onto the counter. Seungmin nodded sleepily before shuffling down the hallway to check on his friends.
He had thought the water would soothe the irritation in his throat but it had done little other than give him chills. Why had he had to take water straight from the fridge, of course it'd be cold. Sniffling into the cuff of his sleeve, Seungmin knocked against Felix' bedroom door and received a low 'coming' before he moved on to Jeongin's room. While Felix and Jeongin joined Minho at the dining table, Seungmin went back to his room and changed into thick sweatpants, also putting on a scarf to keep his neck warm. When he joined his dormmates, Minho had already scooped some fried eggs onto his plate, knowing what his dongsaeng liked best. Although Seungmin appreciated the gesture, he didn't feel too hungry today, mainly pushing the food around his plate. "Seungmin-ah", Minho called, finally catching the vocalist's attention, who seemed to have spaced out, "You need to eat well. We'll be dancing a lot today." The younger only nodded, picking up another bite. He knew where his hyung was coming from. He'd need the energy today but every bite scraped his throat.
Once they met up with the rest of the group and headed to the practice room, Hyunjin had started to bother Seungmin. It was all in good spirit, the dancer being over-affectionate, insisting: "You'll leave us soon and I'll have to last days without you. You can't deny me cuddles now, Minnie." Watching his dongsaeng shift in discomfort, Minho made sure to keep Hyunjin busy and had him lead bigger parts of their practice. Seungmin was grateful for this. It wasn't like he disliked his hyung being affectionate and he didn't want to be rude either, so he didn't tell him off, but the truth was, he felt worse the more time passed and he really didn't want to be touched right now. He had hoped the stiffness in his muscles would leave once he had warmed up and started dancing but it didn't take long for his muscles to burn from the strain. Too busy sniffling back the congestion in his nose, Seungmin didn't hear Hyunjin's explanation for the next dance move and excused himself to the bathroom. He was still out of breath when he pulled out a few tissues and blew his nose. Dancing was a struggle with his nose blocked entirely and now it had also started to run. Seungmin had to go through multiple tissues before he felt like he could at least somewhat breathe again and cringed, washing his hands. This was disgusting.

Fluffy SKZ Oneshots EP.2🧸
FanfictionCute Stray Kids sickfics and littlespace oneshots Requests closed #3 - sickfic (21.10.2022)