Meanie head voices🍼🧸

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Little: Chan + ?

Caregivers: Minho + Felix

No one's POV.:

It was no secret that Chan struggled to take a step back from work to rest when he wasn't feeling his best. Lately though, the members had noticed how quiet their leader had gotten. They knew Chan as the extroverted one, the one always wanting to meet new people and to strike up conversations with total strangers, so for the oldest to be too deep in his head to really pay the people around much mind was never a good sign. Changbin and Jisung also picked up on the Aussie's song-writing style slowly changing and though they always wanted to let their creativity run freely and experiment with whatever style they wanted, it did worry them because it seemed to be the only window into their hyung's emotions. They had hoped Chan would eventually open up about his concerns to them during one of their late-night composing sessions but that never happened, the leader only seeming to withdraw further. Though he was still always polite when someone wanted to talk to him, he had stopped seeking out social interaction at the company.

When Chan still hadn't bounced back after almost a month, Minho was done waiting for his hyung to open up. Felix had already made it a habit lately to go over to the other dorm for cuddles whenever Changbin texted him that they had finally managed to drag their oldest home, so it was easy for Minho to claim he was just hanging out with his fellow dancers. Minho waited for Chan to take a shower and told Felix, he'd like to talk to their hyung one on one before they could have their Aussie-snuggles, which the younger eagerly agreed. He had tried to get through to the oldest himself but it hadn't worked, so hopefully Minho would have more luck.

Minho would've expected Chan to be defensive but he hadn't thought the older would get that irritated at him for trying to talk. To be fair, it was late and if any of them had had a long day, it'd be Chan, so it was understandable for him to be tired but he had never so openly shown that he didn't want to interact with the members. That simply wasn't like him and rang alarm bells for Minho immediately. "Seriously, I don't want to talk", Chan frowned, "I just want to sleep." – "Can you sleep?", Minho asked carefully. The leader's insomnia could most definitely explain him being short with him. Chan shrugged. He had a hard time getting any sleep but he always did, right? Opening his arms for a hug, Minho hummed: "It's okay if you don't wanna talk. I won't pressure you but we can tell something's going on and I want you to know that we are here for you. Do Lix' cuddles help any?" – "Actually, they do", Chan mumbled as he hugged his oldest dongsaeng, glad that the other didn't force him to talk. He really just wanted to sleep, so he could hopefully escape his thoughts for a while.

Felix joined Chan for cuddles as soon as Minho left, hoping to provide the leader with a sense of comfort even without knowing what was on his mind. It was truly impressive, how Felix' presence could make the mean head voices grow quieter. They never left, no, but Chan managed to ignore them and only focus on his dongsaeng pressed against his side. He just needed to get away from them for a little. Not bothering to open his eyes, Felix breathed: "You're still tense. Try to relax your shoulders or you'll wake up sore tomorrow." Chan sighed but tried. It had been a while since he hadn't been sore, so he doubted it'd make much of a difference. "There's nothing to think about but sleep right now", the dancer reminded quietly, "Whatever's on your mind will either still be there in the morning, so you can worry about it then or you'll have forgotten, which means it was never important enough to think about anyway." – "But they're so loud, Lix", Chan frowned, covering his face, "They're so loud, I can't seem to get away from them." – "Your thoughts?", Felix smiled sadly, earning a desperate nod. It hurt the dancer's heart not to be able to do much for the older aside from holding him a little closer a running his hands through his hair to hopefully distract him.

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