Forehead kisses🌡️🍼

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Sickie/Little: Felix

Caregivers: Stray Kids

Sequel to 'Fuzzy socks'

No one's POV.:

They hadn't started their first movie for long before their dinner arrived. Minho had decided to just order fried chicken for everyone, so they could spend time with Felix instead of having to cook. Chan was a little worried about the boy's fever spiking huddled under two blankets and sandwiched between multiple members but the younger seemed content, the chills slowly easing. Felix lay in Changbin's arms with his legs draped across Hyunjin's lap, already dozing off when Seungmin rewetted the washcloth and draped it cross his burning forehead. Jisung sat next to them, tracing shapes on the Aussie's arm through the blanket. Their day had been exhausting to all of them, so taking some time to unwind together felt incredibly healing.

"Have you ever attempted to swallow toothpaste?", Felix asked wit furrowed brows. He almost went unheard over the sounds of their movie but Changbin hummed: "No but I think mint chocolate gets pretty close. Why?" – "'Cause I was wondering if anything is possible, is it still possible for anything to be impossible?", the younger rasped. Hesitating for a moment, Changbin frowned: "I don't think I understand language-wise." – "I don't think English is the problem", Chan chuckled, "That one really hurt my brain. Where are these deep questions coming from, Lix?" Shrugging, Felix only buried himself deeper in his blankets and closed his eyes again, not really interested in the movie, more so in his friends' presence.

The members were just finishing their dinner, Jisung commenting on how good it tasted. None of them had expected Felix to still be awake, when the Aussie slurred: "Wha' are you eatin'?" – "We just had some fried chicken", Jisung replied softly, "You want any? There should still be some in the kitchen." – "Chickens are funny", Felix giggled hoarsely, "How many do you think would be required to kill an elephant?" The room grew quiet, Hyunjin even paused the movie, so they could give the Aussie their undivided attention. "Why would you want to kill an elephant?", the dancer frowned. Their sunshine would never harm anyone. Scrubbing his nose against the blanket, Felix shrugged: "Suppose you have been given an elephant and you can't give it away or sell it. What would you do?" – "You've been given an elephant?", Minho pressed, maintaining eye contact with his dongsaeng. The younger's eyes were shiny with fever and he had look away, sniffling: ""

"A penny for your thoughts...", Chan sighed, though he'd give the younger more than a penny to keep his thoughts to himself as they were really messing with his brain. Looking up at the oldest, Felix mumbled: "Why do you have to put your two cents in when it's only a penny for your thoughts? Where's the extra penny going to?" They were starting to really worry about Felix' fever, so Changbin coaxed him out of his blankets insisting: "My hug is warm enough as it is." Checking his temperature again, Minho was relieved that it hadn't gotten higher but despite the medicine, it also hadn't gone down at all. "Lix, you know, you're saying some quite confusing stuff", Chan said carefully, "Are you feeling okay or should we take you to see a doctor?" – "I don't want no doctor", the younger pouted, "Doctors call what they do practice, isn't that a little unnerving?" – "Not as unnerving as the things you've said in the past ten minutes", Chan muttered under his breath but he wouldn't push it.

While it had been really difficult to get Felix out of his blankets at first, he eventually pushed away his friends and took off his hoodie. "Have you ever been tempted to sleep inside the fridge?", he sighed, fanning his face with his hands. Sweat glistened on his forehead, which he sluggishly wiped away with the back of his hand. Handing Felix his water bottle, Chan mused: "Have you been sleeping alright today?" Maybe his friend was sleep-deprived. He himself tended to say odd things when he was tired. "I slept like a baby", the younger yawned, "Waking up to cry all the time." – "Alright, that's it with the movie. You're going to bed", the leader announced, picking Felix up. Chan carried his dongsaeng to his room, while the dancer giggled: "Nooo, I'm resisting a rest." – "Did you eat a clown?", the older chuckled, switching on the reading lamp next to Felix' bed. The younger shook his head, insisting: "No, 'cause it tasted funny."

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