Pairing: Changbin & Hyunjin
No one’s POV.:
Though they often joked about being husband and wife, Changbin and Hyunjin did take their relationship pretty seriously. It was important to keep that in mind whenever tines got stressful and tempers ran high. Year-end schedules were always packed, Changbin knew that, so their lives had become predictably hectic, but he had to remind himself that it would be different in a few weeks. Just like it was every year, despite feeling like drowning every year. Sharing an apartment with his boyfriend probably was what saved their relationship because Changbin had barely gotten to see Hyunjin lately. They were both busy with alternating schedules and when they did have some schedule together, everyone was tired and on edge, often reacting snappy. It would only be a matter of time till one of their little quarrels would lead to a bigger fight. Realistically, Changbin knew that there were ups and downs to every relationship, he didn’t want to fight with Hyunjin. It always ate away at him when there were unresolved tensions, making it close to impossible for him to get any sleep before they had talked it out. He couldn’t really afford that now, when he barely got the opportunity to sleep anyway.
Hyunjin too struggled with their current workload but was glad that he lived with Changbin. No matter how annoyed they had gotten with each other during the day, most of the times merely due to circumstance and not with each other specifically, at the end of the day, they could hug it out later. They each had their own room but rarely ever slept apart. Hyunjin had once proposed the idea, so they wouldn’t wake each other by coming home or getting up at odd hours of the night due to schedules, but Changbin was quick to shoot down the idea, claiming he wouldn’t be able to sleep at all without the younger in his arms. While the dancer really enjoyed reuniting after a long day of schedule, he too could feel the exhaustion eating away at their relationship and could only hope they’d last till after New Year. He usually had a lot of faith but he also tended to overthink and right now, sleep- and kiss-deprived, it was hard not to overthink.
Changbin had been in a bit of a mood all day and while rationally Hyunjin knew the older was probably just tired because honestly, they all were, he couldn’t help but feel like it was personal. It really meant something because Changbin getting mad was practically unheard of but Hyunjin knew the signs, the way his boyfriend turned quiet and cold when he was upset. They were lucky to get out of work not as late as usual and had made plans to meet up at the gym to workout together. Blowing off steam would surely do the rapper some good and in term most likely also ease Hyunjin’s nerves.
Hyunjin wasn’t really surprised when Changbin remained just as quiet on their way to the gym, though he had hoped the relief of getting out of work would already be setting in. The tension probably just needed a little more time to melt away. Hoping to cheer the rapper up some, Hyunjin playfully bumped their shoulders but the tired smile Changbin shot him, didn’t reach his eyes. Usually, they were each other’s biggest cheerleader at the gym but today seemed different. Instead of having a fun time like he did most of the time, Changbin went about his workout routine as though it was another chore on his to-do-list and while Hyunjin completely understood that there were those days sometimes, his heart ached for his boyfriend. They were already so busy, he shouldn’t have to torture himself in his free time.
What Hyunjin hadn’t expected when he turned to his boyfriend between two sets, were the tears trailing down his cheeks. The dancer immediately set down his own weights and made his way over to Changbin, who kept pushing through the exercise despite clearly having reached his limit, arms shaking. Running his arms down the elder’s trembling arms, Hyunjin grabbed the weights and guided his boyfriend’s hands to place them down. No sooner then he was forced to let go, did Changbin break down completely. He snatched his towel off the bench where he had left it and buried his face in the damp material to muffle the pitiful sound of his sobs. Knowing that the other didn’t like crying in public, Hyunjin grabbed their water bottles and placed his hand on his boyfriend’s back to gently guide him back to the locker room.
They were lucky and no one was there, so Changbin didn’t have to try and save face, plopping down on the bench. “What’s wrong, jagiya?”, Hyunjin whispered and sat down next to him, stroking the rapper’s sweaty back. Changbin’s chest hitched a few times before he was able to steady his breath enough to speak, sniffling: “I’m a professional failure.” – “No, why would you say that?”, Hyunjin frowned and gave the other a stern look. Shaking his head, Changbin continued: “We weren’t making as much progress as we had hoped and now, I couldn’t even get the same number of reps in that I usually do. It’s like the weights suddenly got heavier over night.” – “Jagi, you’re tired”, the dancer reminded softly, “You can’t expect to reach your personal best right now. With how little sleep you’re running on, it’s no surprise that your body feels weak. Let’s go home yeah?” – “No! I gotta finish my workout”, Changbin cried. If he was getting weaker that was even more reason to push himself through his routine, right?
Hyunjin didn’t really give him a choice though, already packing up their things. If Changbin hadn’t been as exhausted as he was, he might even have pt up a fight but he was still half crying, so he just let his boyfriend order him around. Since Changbin had already sweat a lot despite only just getting started, Hyunjin hummed: “Here, take my coat.” It was warmer than Changbin’s own and if they traded, they might be able to protect the rapper from catching a cold. “No more tears, love. You’re no failure. You did so well, finding the discipline to drag yourself out here and I’m proud of you but you need a rest day”, Hyunjin shushed, gently kissing away the tears on Changbin’s cheeks.
Changbin quietly followed the younger out of the gym and into the snowy streets of Seoul. Glancing up at the Christmas lights, Hyunjin hummed a carol under his breath, which finally brought a smile to Changbin’s lips. “It looks so pretty out here. I barely noticed it until now”, Hyunjin commented, with a delighted grin, “Look how the snow sparkles when the lights hit it.” – “Really pretty”, Changbin replied, voice still husky from crying, “Not nearly as pretty as you though. Ow!” He gave the younger an exasperated look, rubbing his arm when he had slapped him, although it couldn’t have hurt through the thick coat. “You sap”, Hyunjin whined and covered his face but his heart had picked up pace at the compliment anyway. Linking their hands, Changbin smirked: “Why, can I not speak the truth?” – “I’m not gonna argue with you when you’re like this.” – “Like what?”, the rapper laughed. “Teasing me. I know there’s no winning for me”, Hyunjin complained but was soon silenced by Changbin’s lips on his. “Thank you, Hyune. I was really spiraling, so thanks for breaking me out of that”, the older breathed when they parted. Touching their noses together, Hyunjin smiled: “Of course. I know Christmas is always a tough and stressful time but we should still try to see the beauty in it. Let’s hope the snow will make this Christmas right.”

Fluffy SKZ Oneshots EP.2🧸
FanfictionCute Stray Kids sickfics and littlespace oneshots Requests closed #3 - sickfic (21.10.2022)