Ice Giants🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Jeongin

Caregivers: Chan, Minho & Jisung

No one's POV.:

Jeongin had felt so incredibly exhausted all day, tiredly dragging his feet as he trudged behind his group, trying to get to their schedule on time. He didn't even know why he was so tired, considering he had gone to bed at a reasonable time the previous night. However, they had had multiple long dance practices the week before, so maybe the dancing had robbed his energy from him, no matter how hard he tried to make up for it by sleeping more. With how out of it Jeongin was, he didn't even register how his friends had started to pack up their belongings, so Felix grabbed the maknae's bag, while Minho approached the boy. "Innie?", Minho asked, resting his hand on his dongsaeng's shoulder, "We're going home now. You look about ready to go to sleep, hm?" Jeongin only replied with a sleepy hum, the dancer's soft tone making his head feel fuzzy. Yeah, he was definitely ready to sleep.

Almost slipping into his headspace already, Jeongin held onto Minho's arm as the older guided him along. Felix carried the maknae's bag and stayed close to the boy's other side. With how quiet and clingy Jeongin had become, it was obvious that he had either slipped already or felt pretty close to it. It wouldn't be surprising, considering how long he had been forced to go without slipping and how low on energy he had seemed those past days. That was the confusing part. Jeongin had been sleeping a lot, yet he only seemed to grow more tired the more time passed. Despite being only a short drive away from the dorm, the boy rested his head on Hyunjin's shoulder and promptly fell asleep before they even made it to their dorms. How strange. He usually disliked falling asleep in places that weren't his bed since he'd wake up confused and disoriented, which stressed him out.

Jeongin only woke up again when Minho set him down on his bed and attempted to change his clothes. The group had parted ways to their individual dorms and Minho had carried his sleeping dongsaeng to his room, while Felix and Seungmin took their bags and opened the doors for them. "We home?", Jeongin slurred tiredly, reaching his hand up and attempting to slip his thumb between his lips. Quickly catching the maknae's wrist, Minho hummed: "Your hands are dirty, Innie. Yeah, we're home now. Let hyung find your paci for you, hm?" The younger only blinked up at him with glossy eyes, giving a content sigh when his caregiver slipped the comfort item between his lips. "That's better, isn't it? Can you help hyung a little? You'll be far more comfortable if you put on these pajama pants instead of your jeans. Can you do that for me?", Minho cooed, helping the other sit up. Though he struggled, Jeongin managed to get his jeans off and slipped the soft pajama pants on before crawling under his blanket. Tucking the little in tightly, Minho pressed a light kiss to the boy's forehead and wished him sweet dreams before plugging in the nightlight and going to bed himself.

Though he drifted off quickly after Minho had left, Jeongin soon sat up disoriented. He looked around the darkened room and couldn't help but pout when he realized he was all alone. When had it gotten so cold in his room? Shivering, the maknae pulled his blanket up to his nose and anxiously suckled on his pacifier. Had their heater broken or was their dorm invaded by ice giants? That had to be it. The monsters had probably already eaten his caregivers. Oh no! If they found him, he'd be eaten too. No! Jeongin had to flee. His hands trembled as he clambered out of bed and pulled the blanket tightly around his shoulders. He already knew where he had to go. If there was anyone who could possibly protect him, it was his daddy. The darkness outside of his room scared him but he didn't see any other option if he didn't want to freeze to death or be eaten, so he desperately suckled on his paci and waddled to the front door.

Clutching his phone with the flashlight in one hand and the front of his blanket cape in the other, Jeongin snuck out of his dorm and hurriedly made his way over to the other dorm. Nobody answered when he lightly tapped the front door, causing his heart to race. No, not his daddy too. What was he supposed to do if everyone he knew had been eaten by ice giants? Sniffling back tears of desperation, the little let himself into his friends' dorm and quietly made his way to Chan's room. He didn't want to be detected if the monsters were still present but he needed to be sure his daddy wasn't there anymore. To Jeongin's surprise, the leader was sleeping peacefully in his bed. How cruel, if he was here, why didn't he come for his dongsaeng when he knocked? Now the little had been terrified for no reason. Though he was a little upset with the older, Jeongin was still cold and his blanket had barely done anything to change that, so he climbed on the other's bed and crawled under the blanket next to his caregiver.

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