Sickie: mainly Felix
Caregiver: mainly MinhoNo one’s POV.:
Felix knew that performing on a festival in the middle of a downpour brought more risks than just slipping on stage. The members had just assumed that because they were dancing, they’d stay warm. They had performed in the rain before on multiple occasions and sure, someone had caught something but that happened pretty rarely. Usually, they were fine if they just dried off quickly after getting off stage. Nobody could’ve predicted the awful cold that’d make its way around the group. In hindsight, they had hung out with a bunch of other groups between performances. Changbin had spent most of his time with Wooyoung and Yeonjun, the younger two already sniffly and trying to stay out of the rain. He wasn’t too alarmed because Yeonjun having a cold was an almost constant phenomenon and although Wooyoung mentioned that the members of Ateez have been down with the sniffles, the possibility of it spreading to Stray Kids didn’t cross his mind.Until he woke up to his nose completely blocked that is. Chan and Jisung were the next to catch it thanks to their time spent at the studio together. 3racha fared quite well actually but Hyunjin ended up laid up with a fever for two days. The dancer had only figured that out when he almost collapsed during a practice session with Minho and Felix. His fellow dancers had taken him straight home and Minho set about preparing some jook, while Felix sat with him for cuddles because he tended to get extremely emotional when he was feeling low. Hyunjin bounced back pretty quickly though and while Minho whined to Hyunjin, complaining that he had gotten him sick, the second-oldest managed quite well. Sure, he ended up sneezing his head off but never developed a fever, so while it was an annoyance, it didn’t interfere with his work.
Felix was a different story though. Having grown up with asthma, Felix was no stranger to the tightness in his chest. It had been years since he had an attack but he still had a tendency to get a bad cough whenever he caught a cold. That was exactly what happened a couple of days after they had gotten Hyunjin’s fever to break. The moment Minho woke up and heard coughing from the room next to his, he knew. He shot Chan a quick text, requesting the leader to cancel Felix’ dance practices for the week before rolling out of bed to get the younger some water. The movement caused the congestion to shift in his sinuses, turning his blocked nose into a faucet. Sniffling into the cuff of his sleeve, Minho shuffled to the kitchen. He blew his nose into a paper towel before washing his hands and pouring his dongsaeng a glass of water.
The bags under Felix’ eyes were dark, indicating he had already been up a while by the time Minho slipped into his room. The Aussie had already stacked up his pillows and tiredly collapsed back into them when the fit finally tapered off. In the quiet of the room, the wheezing was hard to miss, making Minho’s chest ache in sympathy. “How long have you been up?”, the older hummed quietly. He took a seat on the edge of Felix’ bed and handed him his drink. Taking a few sips to soothe his throat, the Aussie rasped: “I dunno. Think I slept a couple of minutes here and there but not really.” – “Why didn’t you wake me”, Minho frowned as he felt his dongsaeng’s forehead. Felix shakily set the glass onto the nightstand, muttering: “You’re sick too, hyung.” – “I’m a little sniffly, that’s all”, the older denied, “Went straight to your chest again, huh?” Felix nodded dejectedly.
“Can I get you anything?”, Minho asked softly, running his fingers through Felix messy bed hair. The younger shook his head but closed his eyes, obviously enjoying the affection. Lightly scratching the Aussie’s scalp, Minho offered: “Why don’t you take a hot shower? It doesn’t seem like you’d be able to sleep anyway and the steam might help clear your congestion to help you breathe a little easier.” – “I dunno if I got the energy for that”, Felix rasped, massaging his temples, “Got a tiny bit light-headed when I had to use the bathroom earlier.” His hyung’s eyes widened at that. He hadn’t expected it to be this bad already. Getting to his feet, Minho smiled: “I’ll run you a bath and get you when the tub is full, yeah? Then I’ll prepare a pot of tea for the both of us, so we can cuddle and try to get some rest together. Sounds like a plan?” – “Sounds like a plan”, Felix parroted sleepily, following the older with his eyes till he had disappeared down the hallway.

Fluffy SKZ Oneshots EP.2🧸
FanfictionCute Stray Kids sickfics and littlespace oneshots Requests closed #3 - sickfic (21.10.2022)