Sickie: Seungmin
Caregivers: Minho, Felix, Jeongin
No one's POV.:
Minho gasped in shock when Seungmin joined them for breakfast. The vocalist was pale as a ghost but didn't say anything, so the older frowned: "Are you okay, Seungmin-ah?" Seungmin sleepily looked up from his plate, seeming genuinely confused. "Yeah?", he hummed, "Why wouldn't I be?" Minho, Felix and Jeongin stared at him in disbelief before the maknae stated: "Have you looked into a mirror? You're white as a sheet." – "I am?", Seungmin frowned, patting his cheeks, "Probably because I just woke up. My blood pressure is always a little low after sleeping. I just need to get moving and maybe have some coffee, then it should be fine." His friends accepted that explanation because the vocalist had seemed so surprised by the question. If he was feeling unwell, he would've expected someone to point it out but he hadn't looked like he had expected the question, so he must be feeling alright.
Seungmin did feel alright, so he didn't understand why his friends eyed him worriedly. Yeah, he had gotten a bit lightheaded when he stood up from his bed too fast but that was easily explained with his blood pressure and the blood dropping to his feet. It might also have been the reason his face had paled for a moment but it should go back to normal once his body had adjusted to the change in position. Though Minho trusted his dongsaeng's sincerity, he still kept a close eye on the other when they left their dorm and joined the other half of the group for their schedule. Chan too, shot Seungmin a worried look before making eye contact with Minho. Had something happened since they went home last night. The dancer only shrugged. He didn't know what was up with their dongsaeng, only that he looked off. Seungmin didn't act off though. He got himself a cup of coffee at some point, still feeling a bit lightheaded and getting dizzy if he moved too fast, so he figured some caffeine would help and for the time being, it did.
They had an interview in the morning, the makeup artist also pointing out his pale face. Seungmin assured her that he was fine and she accepted it, using some blush to make him look a little more alive. There was a low growling noise, but with how crowded and noisy the dressing room was, only Seungmin and the makeup artist tending to him were able to hear it. Still feeling pretty normal, the vocalist assumed that the coffee was messing with his digestion, which was why it felt like his breakfast wasn't settling properly but since there was nothing he could do about it, he just hoped he wouldn't look too bloated in front of the cameras. He also tried to stay as far from any microphone as possible, while he wasn't speaking, to avoid it picking up the sounds of his still noisy tummy.
Once the interview was over, the group headed back to the company building for a dance practice and Seungmin looked almost well, though that was mostly due to the thick layer of makeup covering his skin. It took him no time at all to sweat through his shirt, which surprised him but he was well able to keep up with the rest of the group, so he brushed it off. The only disgusting part was that his makeup had started to run down his face and the sharp dance moves seemed to upset his stomach a bit. Seungmin could feel the organ churn and eventually had to admit to himself that something wasn't right. His friends had been right this morning, something was up with him but he couldn't pinpoint what it was. Minho was truly impressed at how well his dongsaeng kept up. He had watched Seungmin closely since that morning, unable to shake the feeling that something wasn't right with the boy. Though the younger kept up alright, Minho granted the group more breaks, not wanting the other to strain himself if he ended up not being on top of his game after all.
The group had lunch together after their dance practice but Seungmin barely had an appetite at all. His stomach was bubbling and he excused himself to the bathroom. Once there, he splashed cold water on his face and used the opportunity to wash off the smeared makeup. He was surprised by how sickly pale he looked under all the paint but what could he do? Seungmin was certainly glad that the rest of the afternoon consisted of only vocal practice with Jeongin. No more dancing. Sure, he had handled it but it hadn't been pleasant and his stomach was still in knots. That was also why he only forced down a few bites, every time either Chan or Minho glanced at him with worry in their eyes. He could handle himself, he didn't need his hyungs to worry about him. Jeongin too shot him one of those annoyingly concerned glances as they made their way to an empty studio to practice in, asking quietly: "Are you sure, you're alright, hyung? You don't look any better than you did this morning." – "Are you calling me ugly?", Seungmin gasped, pretending to be offended. "Always", the maknae laughed before growing serious, "You know what I mean though." Giving the younger a reassuring smile, Seungmin promised: "I'm just a little tired, Innie. Let's just get this practice over with, yeah?"

Fluffy SKZ Oneshots EP.2🧸
FanfictionCute Stray Kids sickfics and littlespace oneshots Requests closed #3 - sickfic (21.10.2022)