It's quality time if it is with you🌡️

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Sickie: Chan

Caregiver: Felix

No one's POV.:

After following their individual schedules for the past few weeks and not seeing each other at home due to the separated dorms, Chan and Felix wanted to spend some of their free time leading up to Christmas together. Said free time, sadly was rather scarce and they soon found that there was only one particular Sunday, which they could spend hanging out. Since Felix insisted that he hadn't had the chance to bake something im ages, Chan was quick to agree that they'd bake Christmas sugar cookies together. While his dongsaeng made a list of all the ingredients they'd need, Chan went out of his way to go grocery shopping before their schedule in the morning. When they had short breaks during their schedule together, Chan and Felix compiled a playlist, so they'd be able to listen to their favorite Christmas songs.

Wanting to spend time with Felix without having work-related things on his mind, Chan had stayed at the studio late the evening before their day off. By the time he finally shut off his computer, the leader felt wrecked. His head ached from staring at the screen for hours and when he got up to head home, his muscles burned in protest. Chan tried to lightly stretch his muscles but still felt stiff and sore after sitting in one position for so long. He tiredly rubbed his eyes and made his way to his dorm, glad he'd be able to sleep in the following morning as Felix had been very clear about not wanting to set an alarm. Chan's stomach grumbled as he kicked off his shoes at the front door. Realizing that he had completely forgotten about both, lunch and dinner, the leader took his laptop to his room and changed into some more comfortable clothes before shuffling back to the kitchen to at least have a little snack. He felt a bit queasy but that wasn't surprising considering how long he had gone without food.

Chan had only managed to force down a few bites of leftover rice and chicken breast before deciding to just go to sleep. He winced a little as he stretched out on his bed, the soft mattress welcoming his achy body. Though he had felt dead on his feet, sleep wouldn't come. Chan struggled to get comfortable on his bed. Some muscle always protested the position and when he had finally found a sleeping position that felt acceptable, his stomach started to hurt. Was it because he had hurriedly forced something down after not eating for a while or was he still hungry? Should he go make himself a cup of tea to settle his stomach or just wait it out? Too exhausted to get up again, Chan decided to just wait it out. Besides, he didn't want to lose the somewhat comfortable sleeping position he had found for something that might not even make a difference. He'd just sleep the discomfort off.

At first, sleeping had seemed impossible but Chan had managed to drift off for a bit. It didn't last long though, as the Aussie startled awake to an intense cramp twisting his stomach. Breaking into a sweat, Chan pushed the blanket off and took a shaky breath. Before he really knew what was happening to him, his throat tightened with a gag. Clamping his hands over his lips in a panic, he stumbled out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. His heart was still racing when he settled on his knees in front of the toilet, slowly becoming more lucid. It finally dawned on Chan, that this was really happening. His stomach wasn't only a little upset, he felt downright sick. How it had come on so suddenly after work, he had no idea but maybe it hadn't come on suddenly. Maybe it had come on so slowly over the course of the day, that he hadn't paid much attention to how he felt, only focusing on getting as much work done as possible.

Chan's mouth was still watering but somehow, nothing else happened. He didn't dare move too far from the toilet, convinced he'd be sick any moment, but his head hurt and eyes stung. It was way too bright. Nervously moving away from the toilet, the leader switched off the light but barely made it back in time as his stomach tightened. Chan retched hard, the force bringing tears to his eyes, but nothing came up. He should probably go and check if he had a fever, considering how cold he felt but it didn't seem safe to move right now. Stifling a queasy burp, the Aussie, crossed his arms over the seat and rested his forehead on them. His head was too heavy and neck too sore for him to keep holding his head up. Before he knew it, the exhaustion overwhelmed him and he fell into a restless slumber.

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