"Let me take care of you" 2 🍼🌡️

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Littles: Minho & Changbin

Caregiver: Jisung

No one’s POV.:

“Chu nuh mad a’ Min?”, Minho mumbled, confused. They sat on Jisung’s bed after tucking Changbin in for a nap. Cupping Minho’s cheek, Jisung hummed: “Now, why would I be mad?” The dancer only shrugged as he avoided his boyfriend’s eyes. “Min, you’re absolutely adorable”, Jisung reminded, pecking Minho’s nose, “You didn’t really think that being a little would make me love you any less, did you?” – “I dunno”, the other mumbled, bottom lip jutting out. He had barely managed to stay big when he saw Changbin’s sippy cup and had it not been an emergency, he probably would’ve slipped immediately. As soon as they had his sick dongsaeng settled in bed, Minho’s mind was overtaken by the fuzziness and he clung to Jisung’s arm as they made their way to the rapper’s room.

Jisung pulled his boyfriend into his lap and stroked his hair, smiling: “I love you, no matter which headspace you’re in. Honestly, I’m glad I found out. Sure, today isn’t going as planned but I’m happy and we can still have some fun. You know I would never be upset about staying in. Let me take care of you, yeah?” Minho giggled at that. It was true that Jisung was as introverted as they come, so he knew that the rapper wasn’t lying to him to make him feel better. “Should we watch a cartoon while Binnie takes his nap?”, Jisung offered, leaning his forehead against Minho’s, “Or are you hungry for a snack first?” – “Umm, snack and cartoon? Pwease?”, the little requested hesitantly. He couldn’t believe that Jisung was taking the news so well, especially considering how insecure and uncomfortable he had been when he first started to interact with Changbin.

Minho happily waddled along as Jisung headed to the kitchen to check their pantry for snacks. All of his littlegear was back at his own dorm and they couldn’t leave Changbin alone for the few minutes it would take to collect it after promising they’d be close by but when Jisung found a box of apple juice at the back of a cabinet, Minho didn’t mind all that much. A wide smile spread on Jisung’s lips as he went trough their fridge. He had found something he knew would get little Minho excited. “Min, would you like some pudding?”, he asked, pulling out a little plastic cup. Gasping in surprise, the little made urgent grabby hands for the treat but was patient enough to just clap excitedly when Jisung placed it onto a small tray instead of giving it to him.

The couple got cozy on Jisung’s bed and started their cartoon, cuddled up in each other’s arms. Minho barely paid attention to the screen though focused on his boyfriend who was spoon-feeding him pudding. Way too soon, the pudding was gone, Minho cutely smacking his lips before pouting at Jisung. He wanted more. “Love, you’ll get a tummy ache if you eat more pudding”, the rapper chuckled, pecking the little’s pouty lips, “I’ll feed you another one tonight after dinner, okay?” Though he kept pouting, Minho nodded. As long as Jisung would feed him pudding, he’d agree to probably anything.

Changbin woke up disoriented. His memory was hazy and he wasn’t sure whether he had only dreamed up interacting with Minho and Jisung. The searing pain in his hand slowly convinced him that the earlier events had actually happened. Tears flooded the little’s eyes, the pain in his hand almost unbearable. If it hadn’t been a dream, Minho and Jisung should still be somewhere close by and might be able to help with his ouchie. He grabbed his pig plushie and sluggishly rolled out of bed. Hearing soft giggles from Jisung’s room, Changbin shuffled down the hallway, his head feeling swimmy. “Hyungie?”, he sniffled as he stumbled into his friend’s room. With the loud ringing in his ears, Changbin had no chance to understand the other’s reply.

Spotting Changbin’s ghostly white face at the door, Jisung suppressed a curse and jumped out of bed. He managed to catch the other just in time as his eyes fluttered shut, knees buckling. Minho anxiously gnawed on his bottom lip, eyes stinging with tears as he watched Changbin faint. Lifting Changbin’s lower legs onto the bed, Jisung sat on the floor and held the other’s head-on his lap as he lightly patted his cheeks. His heart raced when Changbin didn’t immediately regain consciousness but he had to seem calm because Minho was already freaking out, close to drawing blood from how hard he was biting his lip.

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