Hot 'n Cold🌡️

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Sickie: Hyunjin

Caregiver: Stray Kids

No one's POV.:

Hyunjin preferred the colder seasons, always had, and right now especially, he wasn't happy with the fact that it was summer. He couldn't stand being sweaty all the time and over the past few days, they had been experiencing a heat wave, causing the dancer's mood to deteriorate further. Most of the time, Hyunjin had simply avoided going outside, which wasn't too difficult with how busy they were but he soon came to realize that maybe staying inside wasn't the perfect solution either. With the aircon always running on full blast, the dancer soon found himself rather sniffly. "Isn't allergy season over?", Changbin frowned, when his dongsaeng had once again turned aside to sneeze. Hyunjin had been sneezing a lot this morning and was already starting to sound stuffed up. The dancer shrugged, running his wrist under his runny nose before turning back towards his friends. The dance-racha was currently trying to teach the rest of the group a new choreography but so far, Hyunjin hadn't been of much help. He was too busy trying to keep his overly sensitive nose in check, so Minho had done most of the teaching with Felix' assistance.

To be entirely honest, Hyunjin was glad they were only teaching the new choreography because it meant they'd go over all of the moves slowly. He wouldn't have had the energy to actually dance the same routine over and over again but slowly demonstrating the moves, he could manage that. Sure, his muscles felt sore from the dance-racha's practice session the previous day and he was exhausted from barely sleeping the night before but he could manage to just assist Minho's instructions. The main reason Hyunjin had lost sleep the previous night, was due to the overwhelming heat. The aircon in his room had broken down, leaving him unbearably sweaty. He had eventually resorted to sleeping on the couch in the living room because it was cooler there but still, his head hurt either from the heat or from dehydration after sweating so much. Trying to avoid that today, Hyunjin made sure to drink as much water as he could but it was hard. Though his throat constantly felt dry, motivating him to drink more, it also hurt to swallow, which made it difficult to actually get the water down. As the morning progressed, Hyunjin got more certain that the air conditioning had given him a cold because Changbin was right, it wasn't allergy season anymore.

With how spaced out the dancer was, he barely noticed how Minho called for a break and startled when the older placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, that was your favorite part we were just going over. I thought you had wanted to teach it", Minho frowned. He had only taught that part because Hyunjin made no move to do so. Looking at the older confused, Hyunjin admitted: "Sorry, I don't really feel like myself right now. The heat is really messing with me." - "Aish, not you too", Minho worried, lowering his voice, "Jeongin took a few showers last night and complained about a headache this morning, so I'm trying to take more breaks and make sure everyone stays hydrated. If you need one just speak up, yeah?" Hyunjin nodded but the motion made him dizzy and he had to steady himself on his hyung's shoulder. Minho instinctively gripped his arms, frowning: "You okay?" - "Lightheaded", the younger breathed, allowing Minho to lower him to the ground. He already felt better after a few seconds of sitting but still accepted the water Chan handed him. The leader had rushed over when he saw how Minho had gripped the boy, afraid he'd crumple to the ground right there with how vacant his eyes had looked.

"Are you okay now?", Chan asked softly, when Hyunjin lowered the water bottle. The dancer hummed in confirmation, afraid of moving his head too fast again. The two oldest members made eye contact, wordlessly agreeing that they'd all take it slow today since they could see all of their dongsaengs struggle in one way or another. The heat surely taking a toll on all of them. Offering Hyunjin a hand, Minho smiled: "Why don't you sit the next ten minutes of our practice out? You already know the choreo anyway." Usually, Hyunjin would've been too proud for that but this time, he agreed. It wasn't like he'd miss anything and he as so tired. When his hyung had walked him over to their bags, he pressed his cool water bottle against his forehead, relieved when it eased the pounding a little. He could tell the rest of the group was getting ready to resume their practice but he kept his eyes closed. For some reason, his eyes burned and it was a struggle to keep them from watering. He eventually gave up and allowed the irritated tears to drip from his lashes. No, he wasn't crying but his eyes were.

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