Cuddling on the couch🌡️

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Sickie: Jisung

Caregiver: Minho

Idea by: Rafale413

No one's POV.:

It had been a while since Stray Kids had last had a chance to hang out together. Usually, they'd have to split up for individual schedules or work in their respective subunits, so when the opportunity came for all of them to go out for lunch together, there was no way they'd miss out on it. Since those occasions were quite rare, they decided to pick a nice restaurant to eat at and it were Hyunjin and Jeongin finding one that they thought everyone might like. They had half of the day off, so after finishing their schedule in the morning, they met up for lunch at the restaurant, excited to spend some quality time together. Unsure of what dish to order, Minho and Jisung ordered two different dishes that they both liked, so they could share and have a variety. As they waited for their food, Changbin, Jisung and Felix were bickering, Seungmin and Jeongin throwing in teases here and there, and Minho was happy. It wasn't common for Jisung to let loose in public but here he was, joking around with his noisy group, not having a care in the world. They needed to have such get togethers more frequently, especially now that their dorms were separated and they sometimes went without seeing their friends if 3racha had their own schedule and worked late into the night.

Soon their food was served and the bickering died down, everyone too focused on the plates in front of them. Jisung gave Minho a wide smile as they tried their dishes first before trying each other's. The dancer gave a hum of approval and no further words were needed for them to agree they had made a good pick. "Hey, how about we hang out at the park for a while after lunch?", Hyunjin asked hopefully, "The weather's nice today and the forecast said it's going to get stormy in a few days, so let's enjoy the last warm days of the year." Felix and Seungmin were quick to agree and Chan hummed: "I can't even remember the last time I really spent time outdoors. Sounds like a great idea to soak up the last few sunrays." – "Can we have dessert here though?", Jisung pouted, "They have cheesecake and I'm really craving some right now." Nodding, Felix added: "I'll probably pick up some snack from the convenience store as dessert instead but we're in no rush, are we?" – "We're not. For once, we're not", Chan laughed, ruffling Jisung's hair. He was glad his dongsaengs got to eat whatever they wanted and wouldn't dare take this opportunity away from them.

They finished their food and Jisung ordered himself a slice of cheesecake. Chan ordered some chocolate lava cake and Seungmin got a cupcake, while the others opted for picking up some convenience store snacks and candy to eat at the park. Jisung insisted it was the best cheesecake he had ever had but wouldn't let anyone try. The only one, he offered a bite to was Minho but the dancer declined. He could see how much his dongsaeng loved it and didn't want to take any off the younger. He did appreciate the gesture though. Once the rapper had washed down the last bite with the rest of his soda, they were ready to go and paid before leaving for the park. Changbin, Hyunjin, Felix and Jeongin took a detour to the convenience store down the street, promising to pick up some pudding for Minho, who wanted to spend more of his free afternoon with Jisung. Both parties agreed to meet at a specific bench within the park and Minho took Jisung's hand, swinging their intertwined hands as they walked into the park.

Jisung was grateful they could take their time walking, feeling full after the heavy meal. It wasn't even like he had eaten that much but he probably wasn't used to eating so much in one sitting. With how busy they had been, he had mostly just fit in snacks whenever he got the opportunity to. The fresh air should help his stomach settle though, so it'd be fine. The rapper's stomach rumbled quietly as it tried to digest the unusual lunch but it wasn't loud enough for anyone but Minho to hear and feeling his dongsaeng tense next to him, the older didn't want to call him out. He could tell Jisung was flustered by the noise, so better pretend he had heard nothing. By the time they reached the bench, where they wanted to wait for their friends, the younger had grown quiet and Minho noticed him shift uncomfortable next to him. His silence might just be a food coma at least that was what it seemed like to Chan and Seungmin but Minho knew better. The dancer knew something was up with Jisung but hoped the other would tell him himself. However, as his stomach started to hurt, the rapper decided he wouldn't speak up, as to not ruin their afternoon. It had been so long since they had been able to do something like that and he didn't know what they'd next get a chance to just hangout, so there was no way, he'd be the reason his group had to worry.

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