I need you to pull over🌡️

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Sickie: Felix

Caregiver: Chan

No one's POV.:

Although Chan had a license, he hadn't driven a car in ages because they always had drivers or their manager taking them to and from their schedules, so it wasn't surprising that the leader was a bit hesitant when Felix asked him to drive. The group had a day off and while most members had already made plans with their families, the two Aussies would stay behind. Not wanting Chan to spend their day off working, Felix had planned a day trip and was hoping he could convince his hyung to borrow one of the company cars and drive them. The dancer wanted to take a nice long walk in the woods, mainly because they could walk around without people recognizing them simply because there were barely any people there, and to take pictures of the nicely colored fall leaves. Maybe he could also bring a few of the prettiest leaves back for Hyunjin to paint. They could take pictures of the trees and just escape the bustling of the big city for a while. Chan found it a lovely idea, considering nature time healing time, and after checking the route, he felt more confident that he could get them there safely.

When their day off came, Felix was delighted to find the weather sunny although a little cold. It didn't seem like it was going to rain any time soon, which wouldn't have been too surprising considering it was the end of September, so he started to prepare a basket of food for them to share. He figured they'd be pretty hungry after walking around so much and could have a car boot picnic before starting the drive back to their dorms. Felix might have been over excited, already baking a box of cookies the night before, so when he finished making their sandwiches and packed them with snacks and a large thermos filled with hot cider, he would've had enough to feed at least half of the group and they'd probably bring back half of the food he had packed. Still, that would be better than not having enough food, the dancer reasoned as he finished lacing his boots and grabbed the basket to meet up with Chan. The older had gone to pick up the car they'd borrow while Felix packed the food, so they could head out to the woods as early as possible, while the weather was still pleasant.

The first part of their drive was still a little rocky but Chan quickly got a hang of it. After all it was like riding a bike, you don't forget how to do it, you just need some getting used to after not having done it for a while. They had both dressed in t-shirts and thick hoodies, as it was a little chilly but they knew they'd break into a sweat as soon as they really started to walk. It was cozy in the car with only the two of them, a stark contrast to how cramped it usually was and Felix happily experimented with the vehicle's sound system, only his fingers poking out under the cuffs of his sleeves. This was the thing Chan didn't like about having to drive. His dongsaeng looked so excited and he would've been content to just watch him but he needed to keep his eyes on the road.

Chan didn't have to sulk much longer though because he would have Felix to himself for most of the remaining day, the younger already hopping out of the car the second Chan had parked it on the outskirts of the forest. When the older got out too, he found his dongsaeng standing in a large pile of colorful leaves giggling to himself. Chan quickly snapped a picture before making his way over and taking the other's hand. He was glad that Felix had convinced him even when he had told him he wanted to get some work done, as healing time was important too and he sometimes just needed a nudge to make such decisions for himself. They didn't even have to get too deep into the woods for the scene to change significantly. It looked absolutely magical, the seasonal change painting the trees in the prettiest colors. With the sounds of the forest surrounding them, it felt like a heavy weight was lifted of their chests, that they hadn't even known was there and only felt it once it was gone.

At first, they still took a lot of pictures, posing in front of trees and bushes, Felix also picked up s few leaves that he found looked the most special with their colors, so he could bring them back to Hyunjin. The deeper they got though, the more the two Aussies just focused on themselves, breathing deeply and just feeling for a while. Nature was always a great place to get in tune with your thoughts and emotions, so the pair did just that. Relaxing as they could finally just be. They didn't notice how long they had been walking already, when Chan's stomach growled. He hadn't been hungry this morning and unlike Felix had skipped breakfast all together but now the fresh air had helped his appetite significantly. The younger giggled, happy that he had packed cookies too as he knew his hyung loved them. It still took them what felt like an eternity to return to the car and when they could see the sky again, they had to realize it was good that they had turned back. Rain would be coming soon if the dark clouds were anything to go by and Chan really wanted Felix to have his car boot picnic before that. The younger had mentioned that he had wanted to experience something like that for a long time already, so who was Chan to deny him?

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