Meanie head voices 2 🍼

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Littles: Chan & Hyunjin

Caregivers: Minho & Felix

No one's POV.:

While Chan and Hyunjin made up and Hyunjin bounced back quickly, Chan just couldn't seem to make peace with his new found headspace. Minho and Felix occasionally made him slip, so he could get a break but the leader always tried to resist. He'd beat himself up over it for days afterwards and tended to cry a lot whenever he slipped because he was so frustrated that he hadn't managed to resist. Hyunjin tried to be around Chan a lot whenever either of them slipped, so the Aussie could see that it was okay but it didn't seem to have made much of a difference so far. That was why they had agreed to spend their next day off together, so they could try to get Chan more accustomed to being taken care of. Felix especially wanted to really establish the leader's headspace because he loved how at ease his fellow Aussie was when he was regressed. He figured regressing would seem more normal to Chan if he was better equipped for it. Maybe if he had some littlegear of his own and didn't have to borrow Hyunjin's anymore.

Minho and Felix had slept over at the 3racha dorm the night before their day off, so they'd be ready to take care of their littles as soon as they woke up. It was a great idea because Hyunjin already woke up regressed and was happy to snuggle up to Felix immediately, the Aussie simply pulling him tighter without fully waking up. Chan was a different story however. Him and Minho had talked till late into the night, the leader admitting to feeling uneasy about the day to come. He knew that his friends expected him to slip and with how much he was holding him back, he feared he would disappoint them once again by either not slipping or having a breakdown the moment he slipped. "You know that it's fine if you cry", Minho reminded, staring up at the ceiling, "It's healthy because it releases pent-up emotions and we won't judge."

Though Chan was told that they didn't judge him for his tears, that didn't mean he that he didn't mind shedding them in front of anyone. Luckily, he managed to sleep in late and woke up pretty well rested. Only when Chan noticed Minho next to him, did he tense up. "Good morning", Minho smiled when he noticed his hyung was awake. Sitting up, Chan scratched his head and hummed: "Good morning. Can we not do this today, Min? I don't want to be little and I don't need to either. I'd gladly hang out with you guys but please don't make me slip."

Realizing that they'd only be met with more resistance if they pressured him, Minho sighed: "Alright, we won't push it. Jinnie will be little though, so please don't make him feel bad about his headspace. I don't think I'd forgive you anytime soon if he beats himself up over it because of something you said." Chan nodded gratefully, his heart aching for his dongsaeng when he thought back to their first meeting in headspace. What the leader didn't know was that Minho texted Felix about the situation and they agreed to expose him to as much cute stuff as possible to see whether it would make him feel fuzzy. They'd still go shopping for littlegear later and Minho was determined to get Chan some stuff even if he denied wanting anything.

Luckily, Changbin and Jisung had plans for the day and had left quite early, so they didn't have to hide around the dorm. "Channie!", Hyunjin squealed as he skidded up to the leader. Catching the younger around the waist, Chan chuckled: "Good morning, baby. Did you sleep well? Lixxie gave you all the cuddles, hm?" The little nodded, though a little upset. "Chu big", Hyunjin observed, leaning away from his hyung. When Chan nodded, he pouted: "Buh- Buh we be smol 'gether...." - "Some other time, Jinnie, okay? Channie doesn't feel little today", The leader explained, though it did little to make Hyunjin feel better about it. Letting go of Chan, Hyunjin scampered over to Minho and clung to his caregiver's arm.

"Jinnie, the four of us are going shopping today. You finished your coloring book last time, so how about you pick out a new one today?", Minho smiled at the boy before glancing at Chan for confirmation, "You are coming along, right, hyung?" The leader nodded, reminding: "I'll still spend the day with you, just in my adult headspace." - "That's fine, just know that if you change your mind at any point, we don't mind", Felix agreed softly, "We won't force you but we'd be there for you if being around Jinnie makes you feel fuzzy." - "Thanks, Lix", Chan hummed, still determined that that would not be the case but he appreciated the sentiment.

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