Love Boundaries. 2/5

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please imagine chaeyoung's outfit and hair to be the one she wore for the dazed ysl cover shoot thingy (the black dress with the slit and cut out and hair curled and to the side) bc it's chefs kisses and that's what motivated me to write two chapters in one day :D bless u chaeyoung

Park Chaeyoung turns seventeen and while most teenagers her age would spend their time partying it up, her celebrations are far from fun. It's been a little over a year since her father's presidency so that hype appears to die down and with so much pressure behind closed doors, her birthday has become a political move rather than a celebration of her. It's held in the South Korean Blue House with a guest list that comprised of 85% politicians and other influential beings (from businessmen to celebrities) and she couldn't help but feel the nerves in the pit of her stomach.

She hated it.

Park Chaeyoung despises the increasing pressure in her life to be the perfect citizen and for the one day in the year where things should be about her, the day is tarnished into another campaign for her father's role in South Korean politics.

"Miss. Park."

She turns to see him standing by the door, knocking as he welcomes himself in. Her eyes drift from head to toe. He'd always worn a suit around her (as part of the job) but she admits that he looks extra handsome today, in a black tie that perfectly matches her dress. She wonders if its intentional.

"The building is secure you can come down when you're ready," he tells her, "... all guests have already arrived and dinner service will start in an hour."

"Jungkook," she smiles as she gets up from her vanity reaching for he earrings before taking a look in the mirror, putting them on, "... I'm almost ready."

"I'll wait outside Miss. Park," he clears his throat before leaving the room.

She stares in the mirror as her smile slowly shifts into a frown.

Did he not find her attractive?

There she was with her hair perfectly curled, makeup light and with a black dress that made her legs look endless yet he wouldn't even look at her. What's worst is that it was already close to 7pm and he hadn't even wished her a happy birthday! She lets out a sigh before grabbing her clutch before forcing a smile across her face.

Today isn't about you, Chaeyoung. Do it for dad.

When she leaves, she holds onto his arm as she goes down the stares, hearing awws and cheers from the people downstairs. She can feel his arm tense at the sudden contact, as he walks slowly, making sure she doesn't trip on neither the gown or her heels.

"You know, it's etiquette to buy the birthday girl something," she whispers as she prays in her head not to trip on her own feet, "... and you haven't gotten me anything."

He doesn't reply straight away but when they're a few steps from the bottom he turns to her, "... I don't think I can give you anything you don't have."

"You can still get me flowers. Or a cake. Even if I have those, it's the gesture that counts," she explains, "... but since it's too late to get either of those, can't a birthday girl make a request?"

"Depends on what it is, Miss. Park," he looks to her.

"Call me Chaeyoung for tonight. I want to feel normal."


The night continues and for the most part, she's too busy to speak to him. People gather around her and make small talk and take every minute searching for a photo opportunity. They talk a little bit about politics and her endeavors to become a politician one day (she swears she will not) and it's not until dinner service start that she notices he's nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Jungkook?" She asks one of the staff at the Blue House.

The staff don't seem to know. Not that it was necessarily his job to be there 24 hours (since the Blue House was already secure and already had extra personnel for the event) she simply felt as though it was odd. No matter where they were, he was always there or at least close by.

He hadn't even called her by her name yet!

By the time the dinner finishes, she quickly goes to her room, excusing all her staff. She showers and with her body wrapped in a robe she thinks about going to her bedroom first to send a text to him.

Should I ask him where he is? No, that's too clingy! What if I ask him if he's alright? Ugh girl you need some more pride.

To her surprise, as she leaves the bathroom and goes into her room, she hears a voice singing to her.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Cha—Chaeyoung. Happy birthday to you."

She looks up, feeling tears in her eyes as she sees him wearing just a button up shirt that was slightly unbuttoned, holding a bouquet of red and pink roses and a small cake with a single lit candle.

"Jungkook?" Her voice asks shakily.

"I'm sorry, it was difficult to find a cake last minute and the kitchen was full tonight for the event," he explains, a slightly pink tinge on his cheeks, "... make a wish, Chaeyoung. And blow the candle."

Park Chaeyoung closes her eyes shut.

I wish that we could be closer.

She blows the candle before smiling at him, "... thank you."

"Uh—" He looks away, "... do you want to change your clothes first? I'm sorry I should've came at a more appropriate hour."

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry," she hides her face in her palms, "... wait here, let me get changed first."

She runs to the bathroom, playfully hitting herself for being so stupid. But she couldn't help but notice how red her face turned and the stupid smile that was growing across her lips. She emerges minutes later wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, noticing that he had placed the cake down on the table and sat on one of the chairs.

Jeon Jungkook is sitting in her bedroom!

"Come sit," he points to the chair across from him, "... let's eat some cake. You can tell me about your night."

She quickly takes a seat and watches as he hands her a fork as she goes for the first bite. He looks at her with anticipation.

Was he nervous?

"It was good, but my legs are really tired," she tells him, "... the cake in yum!"

"From the heels?"

She nods, "... but everyone said I was pretty tonight so I guess the heels had something to do with that."

"You did look pretty," he tells her, "... but you don't need heels for that, you look pretty every day."

Her face turns tomato red.

How could he say that with such a nonchalant tone?

"Is this why you were gone the whole night?" She asks.

He nods, adding, "... I felt bad for not getting you anything. I just didn't think you'd want anything since well... to be frank you could have anything in the world."

Can I have you?

A few minutes pass and after a little small talk, he excuses him from the night.

"What did you wish for?" He asks her as he begins to get up from his seat.

"I can't tell you that, or else my wish won't come true."

He chuckles, "... alright. Enjoy the roses too."

When he leaves, she sees the small card attached to the bouquet.

Happy seventeenth birthday, Chaeyoung.

It's been an honour to serve you for the last year. I hope that you'll continue to have many bright years ahead and that you can continue smiling and showing strength and courage in all that you do.


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