Another Masterpiece. 1/1

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au where jeon jungkook is more into videogames than artwork, until he meets art exhibition owner park chaeyoung and thinks that she herself is a work of art.

One thing that most people don't know is that Jeon Jungkook is a simple man.

He loved music. He loved dance. He loved food. He loves video games. He loves anime.

Unlike other idols who had an all-encompassing list of interests, Jeon Jungkook's passions and hobbies don't depart anywhere outside of the previously mentioned things. He's not much of a movie buff, and often falls asleep in the cinema. Neither is he into sport. And Jeon Jungkook doesn't care much for clubbing and drinking. He wears whatever is available in the closet (and whatever has already been washed).

After all, he is a simple man. Often predictable. Anything more would be too complicated, he thinks.

However, Jeon Jungkook cannot say the same thing about his members.

Firstly, there was Jung Hoseok who was Audrey Hepburn reincarnated, a fashion icon beyond his time. He would often spend hours in stores and often scolded Jeon Jungkook for his poor taste in outerwear. Then there was Kim Seokjin who was really into travel, and was only four countries away from travelling every single country in the world (including the Arctic Circle). Park Jimin loved movies, so much that he often rents out the entire theatre for everyone to enjoy. Min Yoongi was into investments and was just as much brains as he was beauty. Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung were really into art and buying very, very expensive artwork. One time, Jeon Jungkook stood a little too close to one of the paintings and got yelled at because insurance for that painting cost more than his car.

Jeon Jungkook often observed how the other two would often attend art exhibitions together and often galleries would close specifically for a private viewing. For a week, the pair cannot stop fawning with excitement over a bit exhibition, once that was to auction multiple pieces and where tickets were very difficult to attain (apparently it wasn't enough to have money, but that you needed to be vetted too which Jeon Jungkook would never understand).

Except, Kim Taehyung gets COVID-19 and cannot attend.

With the other members being busy with activities (or catching the virus themselves), he's stuck accompanying Kim Namjoon to the pre-auction the night before.

The pair enter the premise which feels more like a gala dinner because of how luxurious the venue was. White walls and marble floors and security at almost every inch of the perimeter. Certain paintings had their own personal bodyguard. The ground rules were already in set—no photographs (even without flash), the recommended prices of the paintings were to be concealed until the final day tomorrow.

Jeon Jungkook thinks it's a little too much effort over a bunch of paintings on canvas.

Did people not have better things to do?

That was, until he say her.

A real, living angel, he thinks.

Kim Namjoon smiles at her, bowing his head lower than usual to say hello which she reciprocates with a smaller bow. Bright beige but almost blonde hair tied into a low bun, sharp jaw with fluffy cheeks, skin as creamy as snow white herself and legs which he swears run for days.

"Ms. Chaeyoung," the older gentleman addresses her, "... it's good to see you thank you for the invitation."

"Where is Mr. Taehyung?" The woman questions as she looks around, "... I was told he was interested in a few pieces for tomorrow's auction."

"He's sick," Kim Namjoon responds before turning to his friend, "... this is Jungkook, he'll be helping with the livestream for Taehyung tomorrow."

The blonde girl turns to him, a smile across her lips as her eyes fall from head to toe.

"Just as good looking, I see," she comments, confidently.

A little too confidently.

Jeon Jungkook coughs, choking on his own breath from shock causing for her to giggle.

"Only teasing," she notes, "... have fun gentleman, we have a lot of special pieces up for sale."

He watches her as she struts outside, mingling with some other men in suits. The way her legs move should be illegal, he thinks.

Kim Namjoon playfully hits him.

"What's up with you today?"

Jeon Jungkook thinks he's in love.

Kim Namjoon leaves about an hour later, though Jeon Jungkook stays behind, trying to keep his composure though the way his eyes drifted, trying to check his peripheral was somewhat obvious.

"Mr Jungkook, right?"

He turns his head and suddenly she's there, a sly smile across her lips.

"Are you keeping tabs on me?" He asks her.

"I wish," her words are slow, "... but unfortunately I had too many people to talk to so I couldn't keep as firm of tabs on you."

"Well now you can," he flirts back, "... had I known art was so interesting, I would've tagged along earlier."

He thinks he has a new love for the arts, but none being the paintings on the walls.

"Are you interested in art? Let me show you something," she wraps her fingers around his wrist before pulling him into a secret area of the gallery, which held a vault, "... this is our surprise piece for tomorrow's auction."

For the next ten minutes, the pair stand in front of it and she's rambling about the artwork—the history, the materials used, the significance of the artist etc.

He doesn't care.

Jeon Jungkook's eyes are firm on her, there was something intoxicating, so addictive about the way she spoke with pure passion.

She finally turns to him, "... do you not like it?"

There's almost a pout on her lips, as though she were disappointed.

"I'm not really into art, to be honest," he confesses.

She gasps, almost in horror.

He's not sure if she wants to cry or hit him, but the confused expression across her face.

"But you are a work of art, Chaeyoung, a masterpiece."

His eyes watch as her expression falls.


She looked to delicate to be real.

He doesn't know how to describe the feeling across his chest.

She takes a step closer to him, "... then buy me dinner, Mr. Jungkook."

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