Prohibited Romance. 3/3

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When Jeon Jungkook wakes up in the middle of the night completely naked beside her, he feels a moment of anxiety flow through his skin. He'd seen enough dramas to know where this would go and knowing the kind of woman that Park Chaeyoung was, he wonders whether he made a mistake. Should he have controlled himself better? But then he looks at her and the way her hair still lightly curled from the previous night cascades and drops against her body (her very perfect body if he may comment) and he thinks, that it would probably be impossible for him to control himself even if he wanted to.

But then, he feels her mumble something incoherently in her sleep before her brows knit into a deep frown (which he finds incredibly cute!) before her lips press together into a pout.

He's almost holding his breath, preparing to be kicked off the bed.

Except, she does the most unexpected thing.

"Jungkook," her voice is low, eyes still completely shut displaying her lack of intention to wake up anytime soon, "... cold."

Her arms reach for his chest before she hums under her breath, slowly moving to wrap them around his abdomen, "... cuddle me stupid, it's cold."

Jeon Jungkook allows a throaty chuckle to emit from his lips, before he wraps his arms around her bare waist, closing the already limited distance between the two.

Man, he could really get used to this!


Park Chaeyoung remembers everything.

The sunlight seeping through the curtains wakes her up from her sleep and as she gets up, she notices her entire body bare from head to toe. She covers her breasts with the white blanket before analysing her surroundings. Her clothes and his were no longer scattered on the floor, despite her distinctively remember them being aggressively thrown the previous night.

How was she meant to react in a moment like this?

She scrunches her nose before turning her head to the bedside table, noticing her phone fully charged and a glass of water and painkiller on the side. Taking it quickly, she wonders what she's meant to do.

Was she meant to say good morning? Or act like nothing happened? Should she just go back to sleep and wait for him to leave? But what if his internship starts in the afternoon?

Damn you Chaeyoung, stop overthinking this is your house!

Slowly and carefully, she tipitoes out of bed before running to her wardrobe, taking out any oversized shirt and shorts she could find before quickly getting dressed. For convenience sake, she quickly ties her hair into a high ponytail before heading out, noticing him standing behind the counter bringing a big bowl of soup to the dining room table.

Jeon Jungkook must not have noticed her because he suddenly jumps with eyes wide open at her presence, his free hand patting against his chest.

"Jesus, you scared me Chaeyoung," he carefully puts the food on the table, "... come eat. I put your clothes in the washing."

She can't help but smiling, thinking about how the way he called her name was a lot softer than the previous night.

"Thank you," she finally decides to whisper, realising how awkward her mood was as she sat down, "... about what happened—I uh, usually don't do that."

"As in?" He clarifies, handing her a spoon.

"Y—you know, like—I don't really have on night stands," she speaks nervously.

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