Fave Love. 10/10

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Park Chaeyoung would be lying if she were to say that the next few days were easy.

Sure—she cried less and had moments of pure joy and bliss as she spent time with her new co-workers and friends, but many things reminded her of him. Small things. Such as the coffee machine in the shared office kitchen, or the way her co-workers would discuss finance and investments during their lunch breaks. Sometimes, she admits that she purposely takes the long route home so that she can go past the coffee shop that they'd often hang in. It felt as though he were everywhere yet nowhere at the same time. He was a ghost, but his memory still lingered.

Honestly, muting his number was the least of her struggle. She had more pride than that, and knew that giving into the temptation of replying would only lead to her falling down a domino effect of pain and disappointment. But cutting off contact with his friend, especially Irene was certainly the most difficult part. Jeon Jungkook was a cruel man, she thinks, because in less than six months, he'd really left a mark.

Today was the day that Kim Chungha was meant to get married. She doesn't know whether the wedding is still on, nor does she want to. Her social media app is completely deleted, as she drowns herself in work. To be frank, she's not sure whether she wants it to be cancelled or not.

On one half, she knows that she loves him and doesn't want him to choose another woman. Yet, on the other hand, it is because she loves him that she wants him to be happy.

There's a knock on the door and she looks up to see her head solicitor coming inside. Quickly getting up, she straightens her pencil skirt before bowing.

"Miss. Park, a client wants to see you in meeting room three," he informs her, "... I'll be taking my lunch now."

She raises a brow, "... wait, you're not coming?"

With her six months probation, it was etiquette for her principal solicitor to accompany her, in fears that the freshies won't be able to serve clients well enough. The older gentleman shakes his head.

"It's just a consultation, they've specifically requested you and paid in advance. I suppose they saw your profile on the company website or something," he shrugs, "... I'll be going now. Don't forget—room three. The client is already there."

"What kind of a case is it?" She questions, feeling her heart thumping in nervousness.

Why was he so relaxed about leaving her alone with a client?

"Contract law, something about getting advice on violations of terms."

Park Chaeyoung doesn't waste a single moment, quickly bringing out her notepad and pen before walking over to the room.

"Good afternoon, I'm Chaeyoung Park and I heard you'd like some information over— Jungkook?"

Was her eyes playing tricks on her?

His hair is longer than she remembers and he's wearing a dress shirt and tie. She wonders whether he'd just come from his office during his lunch break.

"Long time no see," his voice is careful as he leans against the chair, "... you look beautiful, Chaeyoung."

She clears her throat before taking a seat, taking a deep breath. Her eyes can't help but wander to his face, down to his neck.

"Our contract," he continues when she fails to respond, "... the terms have been broken."

She nods, "... what remedy are you after? Such clauses weren't discussed."

"I'm not looking for compensation," he continues, "... I'd like to nullify it."

Was he trying to erase her completely?

"What do you mean?" Her voice is a soft whisper.

"Will you tell me first though? Why it is that you've been ignoring me?"

She shakes her head, "... I don't owe you anything. Not after you decided to go back to her."

"Ah," he presses his lips tight, "... Chungha?"

"No fucking shit sherlock," she rolls her eyes at him, "... I haven't had lunch, so can you please get to the point."

"Answer me first. Do you have feelings for me?"

She nods, "... but that doesn't mean I want to be with you."

"And why is that?"

She lets out a tired sigh, "... are you fucking serious, Jungkook? Are you not tired of playing games with me?"

"I'm tired of you running away," he responds.

"Well I'm here now. And I'm tired of you putting me as second place. I heard your conversation in Taehyung's birthday, Jungkook. You were considering getting back with her, that's enough for me to walk away."

"Chaeyoung," he pauses for a moment, as though he were calculating his next choice of words, "... you're right, I was confused. She wanted me back, she told me to come to the wedding and speak up if I felt the same way and well—you know that in that relationship, she didn't do anything wrong. I was the one in the wrong, I was a hurtful son of a b—"

"Why are you telling me this?" She's yelling now, not caring if those outside could hear, "... aren't you tired of hurting me? Or do you get some sort of sick validation from it?"

"I was hurtful and wrong, but it was you who helped show me that. She was a good woman, and so I felt confused about what to do. Chungha was a good girlfriend, but you—it has always been you who changed me," he interrupts her, "... she loved a version of me that only existed because of you. She wanted the part of me that was only for you."

At this point, she has tears down her face.

"How can I even believe you?" Her voice cracks.

"You're the one who cared for me, when no one else did," his voice is raw and vulnerable, "... and it wasn't until you were gone that I realised that a part of me was missing, Chaeyoung."

"So what? You expect me to accept you? How will I know you won't hurt me like before? How will I know you won't change your fucking mind?"

There's a hint of anger in her voice.

Park Chaeyoung was exhausted.

"Chaeyoung, I'm not asking you to take me back. But I want you to nullify and end our contract, because I want us to start fresh. No more of this fake dating, this fake love. Let me prove you to you and pursue you wholly. Let me show you a real love, this time."

thank you everyone for the journey! i know that by the end, many of you wanted jungkook dead and a lot even jumped ships to taerose hahahaha. i wanted to do a couple bonus chapters but with all the trauma i caused, would you prefer a fresh fic instead? 

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