Citizen's Arrest. 2/4

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Park Chaeyoung feels as though Jeon Jungkook came straight from a fairy tale, a knight in shining armour in her life. At the age of 28, and nearing 29, she never knew that someone who was as ordinarily closed off and serious as her could feel a sense of joy in her life, the kind that left butterflies in her stomach every time he took her home after a date. Their first date, albeit short, was straight from a movie—picking her up, a nice lunch before dropping her off at the clinic for her shift. She'd come home to a nice text from him. The dates following were great too.

Park Chaeyoung is nearing 29, but he leaves her heart thumping and heart giddy as though she were a sixteen year old in love.

Things changed a lot between their sixth and eighth date—in the midst of the hustle of it all, she'd forgot to find someone to take care of Soojin. When he arrived at her door, he saw her in what she deems, far from her best condition—frantic energy, toy scattered all over the living room, still halfway through feeding her daughter with spilled food over the tiled floors.

"Jungkook—" she turns red in shame, "... I'm so sorry, can we get a raincheck?"

She remembers the way he looks at her, with nothing but seemingly love in his eyes.

"Let me help you," he tells her.

She doesn't have the heart to say no.

He helps clean up the toys while she's busy feeding Soojin, and when he's done, he goes over to the kitchen to clean up and do the dishes. She makes kimchi jjigae for the both of them while he plays with Soojin quietly, until eventually, her daughter who usually hates strangers is fast asleep in his arms.

It was the first time they'd officially met (since the first time they met she was asleep in the car) but Park Chaeyoung is surprised at how well they get along.

"I'm sorry, I ruined your night," she tells him.

"Of course not, the food smells delicious," he compliments her, "... let's eat."

He talks about his work, and how he'd recently gotten a promotion. She feels proud, proud to see that her country is being protected by people like him. Mid way through the meal, he puts his spoon down and tells her that he's serious about them, and hopes that they can date seriously.

It wasn't the first time for her to be pursued by a man, although after having a child, it was becoming less frequent.

But it was the first time, she'd felt so certain in her life, that she wanted it too.

Later on in the night, the pair lounge on the sofa, watching a film she doesn't quite remember. Somehow, they begin talking deeper about life—about his dreams.

"And how about you?" He questions her, a gentleness in his voice, "... now that Soojin is getting older and will be starting school soon, won't you go back to medicine?"

"I'm too old for that now, I've missed my chance."

He holds her hand and looks at her with the most tender expression she'd ever seen in her life, "... it's never too late."

He gives her hope.


Soojin and Park Chaeyoung spend the weekend making cupcakes and cookies to bring for her teachers on Monday morning.

"Mama, I want to give some to Uncle Jungkook!" Soojin speaks out of the blue as she helps her mother with mixing the cookie dough.

"Of course, we can save a little for when we see him next," her mother responds with a smile on her face.

"I want to bring it to the police station, Uncle Jungkook said he'd let me ride the police car!" Her young daughter reveals her inner plan.

Park Chaeyoung chuckles, "... okay, lets do that."

She feels nervous walking to the police station, unlike her little daughter who walks confidently with a wide smile across her face. Jeon Jungkook hadn't replied to her texts telling him he'd be visiting, and she wasn't even sure if he was in the station, perhaps he was out on call or elsewhere.

"Uncle Jungkoooook!"

It happens in a blink of an eye. Soojin lets go of her mothers hands and run to the gentleman in police uniform, reaching her arms around. Jeon Jungkook's eyes open in surprise, but by instinct bends over and carries her naturally in his arms. He turns and smiles at her.

"Soojin, are you visiting me today?" His voice is warm, a smile on his face, "... this is Uncle Namjoon, he's the big boss of the police station."

Soojin shyly smiles at the older man in uniform before waving.

"Mama and I made cookies and cupcakes!" She reports.

"Oh really, they must taste delicious, thank you," he gives her a kiss on her cheek before turning to Park Chaeyoung, "... I didn't know you'd come visit."

He has a sheepish grin across his face.

"I sent a text, Soojin wanted to ride in a police car," she tells him, "... I hope I'm not interrupting."

"Of course not!" He informs her before turning to his friend, "... this is Kim Namjoon, Kim Namjoon, this is my girlfriend Park Chaeyoung and her daughter Soojin."

"I've heard so much about you," he tells her, "... he won't stop talking about you."

He mentions her?

She doesn't know why, but her heart feels a sense of excitement.

"Hyung!" Jeon Jungkook warns his older co-worker with a glare, before turning to her, "... should we put the food in the staff room? We're on break now so it should be fine to take the car for a quick ride."

"Are you sure it's okay? We don't want to intrude," Park Chaeyoung clarifies, "... we can come back another time."

"Don't be silly," Kim Namjoon chimes in, "... besides, rumour has it that Soojin here wants to be the one to turn on the sirens, right?"

"Yes, yes!" Her little daughter cheers. 

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