Love Boundaries. 3/5

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The Jeon's were known for their professionalism with a long linage of special agent who were experts at their craft and Jeon Jungkook was not an exception. He couldn't be. Growing up, his father told him about the legacy behind his family name and how it was an honour to serve the country's most powerful and elite, even if a lot of the time, it was behind closed doors. Their first rule was to never get attached, not so much because of the social hierarchy per what they say in stories and dramas, but more so to maintain the legacy of the Jeon name.

He admits, it's getting increasingly difficult to do so when it comes to her.

How could you keep a straight face as you guarded at sixteen-year-old girl who was crying over a movie? Or the girl who would always smile at you and greet you good morning even when it was one in the afternoon. It was easier at first when she was sixteen because he felt as though he were mature for his age, but something between the ages of sixteen and seventeen shifted. Her body became more womanly and there were all kinds of feelings together in his heart. At time, he must stop himself from looking at her for too long, knowing that he was close to dancing between a very faint and very blurred line of professional and personal.

And then there was her seventeenth birthday.

Oh God, have some mercy!

She was the epitome of sex on legs, and for a moment, he wanted to throw his blazer on top of her and hide her from the world. Her hair. The perfect curves of her body. Don't get him started on her endless legs. Perhaps it was a blessing that he'd had to travel throughout the whole city at 8pm looking for flowers and a cake because his heart, certainly couldn't think about being perfectly well in what he'd consider minutes of torment.

One day, he's called into her father's office. He has a perplexed expression across his face when he realizes they're just alone.

Usually his father, as Mr. Park's personal bodyguard would be there.

"Good Afternoon Mr. Park, is there any way I can help?" He gives a full ninety-degree bow.

Mason Park smiles at him brightly, inviting him to take a seat on the couch in front of his desk. He couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Just wanted to get to know you more, I hear a lot about you from your father and from my daughter, but I didn't realise I barely have spoken to you since getting into office," he explains, "... are you enjoying working for the office? Any issues?"

How about the fact that your daughter is so damn hot?!

"No troubles, Sir. I enjoy it a lot and it's an honour to be of service to you and your family," he responds firmly, "... I'm being well cared for."

"Is my daughter giving you any trouble?" He questions him.

He shakes his head, "... no Sir. She's a pleasure to work for."

"Do you have feelings for her?"

He almost choked on his breath.

Was Mason Park a mind reader?

"I uh," he pauses, "... your daughter is a beautiful and kind girl, but I'm focused on maintaining professional boundaries, you don't need to worry about that."

The older man chuckles, "... such a diplomatic answer, something very Jeon-eque of you. Well, I'll cut straight to the chase..."

Why was he holding his breath in nervousness?

"I've known my daughter for seventeen years and while I may not be the perfect father, she's always been the perfect daughter. Always puts our family and my political career first and foremost. I believe that any guy would be blessed to have her, even objectively speaking if she wasn't my daughter," he explains.

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