Always You. 5/8

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Park Chaeyoung cannot sleep at night.

Firstly was the fact that his room (which she was sleeping in for the night after his mother refused to allow her to stay at a hotel nearby) reminded her too much of him, the smell, the placement of the furniture, the dark blue wallpaper and just the overall feel of it all. Secondly was the fact that she knew he was right next door (in his brother's room) and it reminded her too much about the times where she'd spend the holidays with his family when they were dating, and how he was sneak out in the middle of the night and meet her. Thirdly was the fact that she really didn't think that he'd be here, and that her heart was not ready to see him so soon.

She sends a text to her manager the next morning, asking him to give an emergency call tomorrow morning so that she'll have a reason to go back to Seoul.

In a sense, Park Chaeyoung also knows how much his parents missed him and didn't want to come in between it either.

She puts down her phone and reaches for her guitar before slowly opening the door and tiptoeing into the living room, turning on the light as she sits down. The house has barely changed indeed, which isn't a surprise because she learned from early on that his parents rarely like to change things around. Park Chaeyoung begins strumming some chords, somewhat mindlessly— it was a form of therapy for her, one where she didn't need to think so much but let the music fill the void in her heart. Moments later, she hears the sound of footsteps going down the stairs, she turns her head and sees him.

"Can't sleep?" His voice is deep, hair still lightly damp, "... should we have some wine?"

A wine before bed.

Park Chaeyoung blames him for the habit, because she doesn't even remember the last time she'd went to bed without a glass or two.

"Yes please," she manages to speak, "... I didn't wake you, did I?"

He shakes his head, "... I think I'm jet lagged."

Park Chaeyoung puts her guitar down as she follows him to the kitchen, watching as he takes out two glasses and pours the pair a glass.

"I think I bought that bottle for your mother last Christmas," she informs him, seeing the distinct rare bottle that she'd specifically ordered from New Zealand.

"That would explain why she hasn't opened it, she treasures it a lot," he responds, "... it's okay you know— to have a relationship with her, if anything, I'm glad that you two are still close."

Park Chaeyoung reaches for a glass before clinging it with his taking a careful sip.

"Will you really not play me your song?" His voice is almost a whisper, "... the anticipation is killing me."

"Do you think it'll be a bad song, Jungkook?" She's almost teasing him, raising a brow.

"I'm sure it's not," he defends, "... it's not— right?"

Park Chaeyoung presses her lips firmly together, "... it's my unspoken letter to you, about how I had to somehow accept that you're really gone."

"I still love you, you know?" He puts down the glass down, his fingertips gentle against her chin, "... you know that, right?"

She nods.

Park Chaeyoung believes that there's no one in the world for her but him.

"I'll always love you too, even if it's from afar, Jungkook."

She looks at him and she knows, that he feels the way that she does.

He looks at her and sees, how she truly feels.

From afar, Mrs and Mr Jeon ears drop from against the staircase.

Mrs Jeon from the start had been furious about the breakup, but understood that her son's love for her (and hence her security) was more important than anything above all.

"They'll find a way back together," the older man whispers, "... just like we did twenty eight years ago."

"Hmm, they need a little nudge."

Park Chaeyoung goes back to Seoul the following morning (with the help of her manager faking a crisis over the phone) and somehow, it's the first time in a while that her heart didn't feel too heavy.

Jeon Jungkook sends her a photo of eight containers filled with his mother's side dishes (which probably wouldn't be able to fit in the fridge), telling her that his mother made him promise to drop them off when he was back in Seoul. She kindly accepts.


When Park Chaeyoung arrives back in the dorm at eleven at night, she's surprised to see Jean Jungkook and Jennie Kim sitting in the living room.

"Jungkook? Wh— what are you doing here?" She questions, putting down her bag.

She takes a glance at her bandmate who gets up from the living room, walking over her and pinching her arm subtly mumbling a "you lucky bastard" before heading for her room. Her eyes look at him in confusion. As she heads to the living room, she sees the biggest bouquet of roses she's seen in her life. Surely, there was at least two hundred roses.

"Well done on the song, Chaeyoung," he tells her, "... you still like roses, don't you?"

He gets up to lean in for a hug which she instantly blocks.

"Uh— please let me shower, I just came back from pre-recording," her face turns red as she quickly dismisses herself and runs to the dorm.

She can hear him chuckling from afar.

When she reaches to her bathroom, she's ambushed by the other girls who are smiling so widely that it low-key scares her. Before she knows it, she's being pulled into the other room.

"Are you guys getting back together?" Lalisa Manoban questions, excitement clear in her tone and expression, "... gosh how can he still be this romantic after all these years."

"I— I don't know," she responds, "... we didn't talk about it."

"If you don't want him, I'll steal him for myself," Kim Jisoo jokes, "... if it means anything, we feel like— he brings you happiness and that's all that matters."

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