Always You. 8/8

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The final chapter is here ^_^ Enjoy. As always please let me know what kind of fic you'd like next! <3

Jeon Jungkook thought that it would be humanly impossible to love his girlfriend any more than he already did. He never felt this way about a person before and felt as though she truly had his entire heart, though he was proven wrong when he saw how much harder he fell for her for the weeks of his recovery.

Firstly was the fact that she was simply the most patient and kindness girlfriend in the world, clearly her schedule to accommodate for his health. When the pair first began dating, it was nearly impossible to find a full day for her. She was always a workaholic by nature and either would meet him after a morning at the studio or quickly get changed after a date night and spend the early hours of the morning in the practice room. But here she was, letting go of her schedule, ignoring all the calls from her manager to attend to his recovery. Every morning, he was greeted by her gentle kisses and homemade cooking and she'd even offered to help him with chores around the house. Not once, did she complain.

Secondly was how much she cared for him. Jeon Jungkook assumed that having her around would make him bed ridden for weeks on end, but instead, Park Chaeyoung did everything possible to ensure that his social life wasn't compromised. When he was having difficulty standing up she would always hold him, allowing him to release all his weight against her shoulder as he walked to the kitchen or bathroom. On the few nights where there was a gathering, she would always support and help him on the wheelchair and even drive for him (and he knows how much she hates driving) and when the boys wanted to come over, she'd always stand a few metres away in case he needed help getting up. She gave him both space and support, and found a balance that was not overwhelming.

Thirdly was simply because of how cute she was. Park Chaeyoung hated anime and often teased him for watching it prior to the accident, but there she was, sacrificing her favourite romantic comedies to make him happy. Sometimes she'd fall asleep halfway and end up hurting his lap, but he didn't mind.

He thinks that she would make a perfect mother, some day.

About three months pass before Jeon Jungkook's condition is strong enough to go back to his activities (mainly singing and interviews, not yet dancing) and he thinks that a lot of the accelerated process is due to the support he'd gathered from her. He grabs his wallet as he waits for his girlfriend, who offered to help drop him off on the way when he sees his manager sitting in the living room. Park Chaeyoung is giving him some tea.

"Jungkook," she smiles and calls out to him, "... your manager is here."

"I'll head off with him then," Jeon Jungkook confirms before slowly walking to her, giving a kiss on her lips before hugging her, "... will I see you tonight?"

His manager simply rolled his eyes, already accustomed to the affection between the pair.

"Should I make hotpot?" She asks, "... or do you feel like something else?"

"Let's eat out, you've been working too hard lately," he whispers back before squeezing the side of her arm, "... I love you."

When she finally leaves, his manager tells him that there's been an update in the police investigation.

They have enough evidence to charge with her assault, trespass and stalking charges.

A wave of relief washes through his chest.


Park Chaeyoung admits that she's excited to be able to eat outside for once, not that she hated cooking for her boyfriend but because she enjoyed having an excuse to dress up once in a while and to enjoy food with a view. Getting back into the routine of practice and training was quite difficult at first, especially since the last few months had been mainly in the apartment looking after him. After her schedule, she rushes to the French restaurant she'd been dying to eat at for a while.

"You look beautiful, babe," Jeon Jungkook is already waiting when she arrives, getting up and giving her a kiss on the cheek before pulling the chair out for her, "... I ordered us wine."

"You're just saying that because you have to," she jokes, playfully rolling her eyes at him, "... did everything go well with your manager? How was your first day back."

She listens to him rambling on about his day, seeing the way his eyes lit up at talks about the fans, new music coming out and potential shows once he fully recovered.

"But I have other news," he tells her, "... and I want you to know about it first."

"What is it?" She questions, feeling her heart humping a million miles a minute.

"We can finally press charges, for the sasaeng."


Jeon Jungkook thinks that when he finally announces the legal proceedings, that his girlfriend would be happy.

For month, the couple had been tormented by an overly obsessed fan who took things too far and one of the biggest factors to their break up was due to the fact that she couldn't stop harassing the girls, his group and their families. He remembers her crying over the phone, asking when a restraining order can be made or when the authorities can put an end to things, and more importantly, he remembers his desperation and guilt when he couldn't do anything.

But instead, Park Chaeyoung's face drops.

She almost seemed sad.

"Chaeyoung? Aren't you glad? We don't need to be in hiding any more," he holds his hand out to her, gently rubbing circles with his thumb against the back of her hand, "... what's wrong?"

"Well, I mean... I know she was completely wrong but I feel bad. She's only twenty right and if she's able to hack into our things like that, I think she must be somewhat bright? Wouldn't a criminal record stop her from using her abilities for good?" Park Chaeyoung responds, "... do you really think we need to press charges? Maybe we can talk to her, and hear her story. I mean—of course it's entirely up to you, I know she tried to hurt me but it ended up being you who suffered because of it... but a part of me worries about her."

It was at that moment, that he realised how perfect of a woman she was.

"Are you sure, Chaeyoung?" He squeezes her hand, "... I don't really care to be honest, the incident made us closer together as a couple and gave me a needed break, to be honest. I just want to do what I can to protect you, and legally—this could put an end to things. We don't need to live in fear anymore."

"Can we try to speak to her just once? Before we press charges, I mean..."

Jeon Jungkook knows that it's only her, who'll have a heart so pure.

And he knows, that sometime soon, he needs to make her his forever.

"I love you Chaeyoung," he tells her.

She laughs, "... I know, you tell me all the time, I love—"

"It's always you. It can only be you," he speaks, causing for her to raise a brow at him, "... you should anticipate my proposal soon, because I won't let go."

"I'll wait patiently for that day, Jungkook."

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