Always You. BONUS

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note: this has been my favourite chapter to write i hope you all love it! based on a prompt sent by @camylleval21, hope you love it! <3  

Jeon Jungkook learns that his girlfriend is a very, very romantic person. She'd grown up to loving parents who'd spend at least two weekends away from the kids just to work on their relationship and she learned that her father often brought flowers home for his wife and children for no reason at all. He experienced it first hand when he spent time with the Parks, they had gone out on their private boat and watched the sunset together where her mother kissed her father. He was somewhat shocked, especially considering his parents were usually quite reserved when it came to public displays of affection. Her sister Alice once told him, that growing up, the pair rarely entertained time for boys because they knew not many could fulfil the expectations that their father had indirectly instilled on them.

He is thankful though, because he wants that same value to be translated in his own future, he wants daughters and sons who know their value and worth.

When Mr and Mrs Park celebrated their 30th anniversary together in the United States, Park Chaeyoung couldn't stop fawning about how romantic it was. Her father had taken them on a helicopter ride (which she'd never been on before) and they watched the city view together before coming down and enjoying a dinner by the water. At the time, they were simply talking over video call (as they were in different countries) but seeing how happy she was and how much she really wanted to go on a helicopter ride gave him a bright idea.

He was going to propose to her.

Park Chaeyoung once told him that she really wanted a proposal that was elaborate, yet private in the sense that she wanted all her closest friends and family to be there. The problem was, her family was well travelled and often sporadically went on business trips to the other side of the world and his family too, were busy with their shop in Busan. Jeon Jungkook tells his family that he wishes to propose to her and his mother joked that he "took too long." When Jeon Jungkook was in Los Angeles, he meet up with her parents and asked for their permission to have her hand in marriage. Mr Park simply said, "... treat her right or else you won't be breathing."

Both families were extremely excited and decided to take a week off their schedules to meet up in Bali for the proposal. It would be their official one-year anniversary since getting back together, and her parents told her that they had business in Bali and invited her and Jungkook to come. The girls and boys came too, but in secret—posting old pictures and videos in Seoul to ensure they do not arouse any suspicion.

Jeon Jungkook has everything planned.

Firstly, he would have Alice take her to get her hair and nails done (Park Chaeyoung told him that no proposal counts if her nails and hair weren't perfect). He had booked the helicopter that would take them to see the beautiful scenery before eventually leading them to see the "WILL YOU MARRY ME" arrangement with rose petals on the ground. They would have a nice early dinner on a private beach before the helicopter will take them back just in time for sunset and then they would go back to the hotel and celebrate with both families and friends.

Everything was perfect.

Except the fact, that Park Chaeyoung and her sister got food poisoning from the airplane food and was locked in their hotel room.

Jeon Jungkook wants to do all that he can to help, but with COVID-19 around, she insists that she stays in the hotel just in case and gets tested when she feels better. He contacts the company and asks if they can reschedule, but their fleets are fully booked for the next four months.

And so, there he was.

Sitting on a helicopter, with Kim Taehyung who couldn't stop laughing at the situation.

"Of course I'll marry you," he teased, pointing to the roses on the ground that read "WILL YOU MARRY ME", "... don't worry just imagine I'm Chaeyoung."

"Shut up," he mumbles.

Worst. Day. Ever.

When he comes back to the main island that day, the boys cannot stop teasing him.

Park Chaeyoung sends a text.

[I'm feeling better, I'll take a shower after this and we should get something to ear ^_^]

The next ten minutes are filled with cursing and him throwing pillows at all his group mates.

Park Chaeyoung and Alice emerge soon, surprised to see all their friends and family in the penthouse.


"Surprise, Chaeyoung! We came to celebrate your anniversary, but your boyfriend proposed to another person!" Lalisa Manoban teases, while the others rush over to hug her and her sister.

Park Chaeyoung looks completely confused, but soon her confusion leads to laughter.

That night, when the couple is finally reunited, she looks to him.

"I'm sorry, I ruined your plan, didn't I?" She asks him as they sit against the bed, "... if I had known I would've powered through."

"It's okay babe, I know you weren't feeling good, I'm not angry," he assures her, kissing her on the lips.

"You seem upset though," she tells him.

"A little disappointed," he tells her, "... I just really want to make you mine, but I don't know when the next opportunity will be to have everyone around and I just want you to be my wife, like—right now."

"Then propose now," she challenges him.

"Come on babe, you deserve something more romantic than that..."

"Jungkook," she holds her hands out to him, squeezing it, "... get the ring right now, and get down on one knee. That's all I need—you. The other things are just a bonus, you can propose to me over a helicopter trip for our wedding anniversary instead."

"Are you sure?"

She nods, "... unless you really loved proposing to Taehyu—"

He doesn't even let her finish as he rushes out of the bed, reaching for the ring and getting on one knee. She stands up from the bed, wearing just a bathrobe with a smile across her face.

He thinks she looks ethereal.

"Chaeyoung, you're the only one I'll ever love, youre the light of my life. It's always you. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?"

"I do."

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