Citizen's Arrest. 1/4

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Park Chaeyoung is a law-abiding citizen.


When she was in high school, she was voted to be the "least likely to go to jail" by the entire school. Medicine was always her calling and nothing could stop that for her, at least—until her daughter Soojin was born. At the age of 25, when her medical career in emergency and trauma was beginning to peak, she made the decision to leave her job for a stable receptionist role in a general clinic near her home.

The last three years were the most unstable ones of her life, trying to find her groove.

A single mother with a long forgotten dream.

Even with the full and pure joy she felt when she held her daughter Park Soojin in her arms, she couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness.

At the age of 28, she finds herself in big trouble.

Just as her afternoon shift was beginning to start, she gets a call from the preschool, letting her know that Park Soojin was unwell with a stomach ache.

She panics, rushing out without a word as she frantically sped through the roads, trying to reach the school in record speed, almost like a mad man or criminal on a car chase. Her adrenaline was thumping, so much that for the first time—she didn't notice the speed until the sound of sirens pull her into reality.

Pulling over, she tries to calm herself, but nothing can stop the frantic gasps as she finds herself struggling to breathe. A panic attack.

When the officer comes, she can't help know her mind if frazzled and somehow, usually calm and collected words turn into a mix between cries, whimpers and jumbled up words.

"Ms, please calm down," the officers voice is a stark contrast to her panic, "... is everything okay?"

"I'm a single mother and my daughter—th- the school called and said she's unwell," she manages to finally blurt out, "... please officer, I need to see my daughter. I have a perfect record, I promise I'll never go over the limit again."

The officer simple stares at her for a while, obviously puzzled by the situation.

"You shouldn't drive in this state, it's quite dangerous for you and others—"

Before he could even finish, she looks at him with desperation, only then noticing that he was indeed, handsome.

"Please officer, my daughters—she's all I have."

And that's how she finds herself sitting on the passenger seat of the police car, sirens full blaring as he speeds to Park Soojin's preschool. It's the deathly silence that makes her come to the realisation that she indeed, should've taken a few moments to calm down before driving but how could she say no when the police officer offered to escort her to the school.

"I'm sorry for the trouble," after about ten minutes of pure quiet, she decides to break the silence, "... I'm not usually like this."

"I know," his voice was low.

"You do?" She turns her head to him, watching the softness of his skin, the sharpness of his jawline.

His beauty could not be put into words.

"I ran your licence through the system, completely clean. In fact, you're one of the very few even I have had a few tickets in my time," he tells her, "... how old is your little one?"

She knows that he's making small talk to keep her distracted, yet she can't help but feel something across her chest.

"She's three, she'll be starting kindergarten soon," she notifies him, "... her name is Soojin."

"What a beautiful name," he tells her.

She can't help but feel butterflies in her stomach.

"My mother was a single mother too, so I commend you for what you do, I know it isn't easy," he tells her in passing and she can't help but feel a warmth in her heart, "... we're here, I'll wait in the car so we can take her to the clinic or hospital if needed, or if it's not too serious I can at least escort you back to your car. You've had enough trouble today, traffic shouldn't be next on the list."

"Thank you officer...?"

"Jeon Jungkook. Just call me Jungkook," he answers.

"Park Chaeyoung. Call me Chaeyoung."


Park Chaeyoung wants to bury herself in the ground when she rushes to the sick bay, seeing her daughter asleep on the bed.

"Ms. Park?" The nurse looks at her confused, "... did you not get our text? Soojin said she's feeling better and wanted to take a nap, you didn't need to come."

She feels her cheeks turning red, realising that in her haste, she hadn't checked her phone for an update.

How was she going to get home?

There was no way in hell she could face the polite police officer after everything that happened.

"You can take her home I guess since you're here," the nurse decides, taking out Soojin's bag and handing it to her, "... we think she might've eaten breakfast too fast, because she was too excited to play with the other kids."

Carrying her daughter with both hands, and her backpack dangling between her fingers, she has her walk of shame to the police car, watching as Jeon Jungkook leans against the car like a damn model. Hearing her footsteps he looks up and rushes to her, offering his hand to carry the bag.

"Is everything okay?" He looks at her daughter in concern.

"All is well, I—I didn't check my phone, apparently she just needed to sleep it off," she responds sheepishly, embarrassed, "... I'm sorry to waste valuable taxpayers money and your time."

"It's okay, it's no problem at all. I'll take you both back to your car safe and sound."

When they arrive at the parking spot where she was initially pulled over, Jeon Jungkook opens the door for her.

"Do you need any help?" He offers, and she shakes her head.

"Jungkook, do you live in the area?" She questions him as she gets out from the car, slowly carrying Soojin, "... I'd like to buy you lunch and coffee. I know it's not much but I really like to do something, if it's not uncomfortable for you. Or you can send me your bank details I'll be happy to transfer money directly."

"It's really not a big deal you don't need to repay me, I'm just doing my job, we work for the people," he gives a lined smile, "... but, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing you again."

It had been a while.

So long since she'd felt so giddy.

When she gets home that afternoon, she puts Soojin to bed before reaching for her phone sending him a text.

[Hi! It's Chaeyoung, we met today earlier.]

[I hope you remember me >.<]

[Please let me know which day you'll be free for lunch, I'm good for any time between 11:30-1:30 before my shift.]

Not long after she gets a response back.

[Tomorrow at 12?]

[ Don't worry, I still remember.]

[You're not easy to forget.]

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