Love Boundaries. 4/5

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Ever since her appearance in Busan, Park Chaeyoung's schedule has been increasingly busy. The media and public couldn't get enough of her, labelling her as "South Korea's Angel" meaning that on top of her first year in university, came a plethora of responsibilities and appearances to make and a lot of the time, it was quite far from Seoul. She had began to feel bad for him and hence would often tell him that it was okay if he wanted to take a day off, knowing how tiring the constant travel must have been but in truth, he didn't mind it. He found it commendable that someone so privileged could be so caring and hard working. Not once did she complain, even if the bags under her eyes spoke of a struggle of its own. She had changed a lot since the day he'd met her.

It's a Saturday morning and he comes in at 7am with one of her favourite chocolate croissants in his hand, surprised to see she was already dressed, sipping on her coffee as she spoke to one of the staff in the kitchen. She was wearing a bright yellow summer dress that fell halfway between her thighs, and a grey cardigan that made her upper body appear a little more modest. It was very unlike her.

"Good morning Miss. Park," he greets her with a short bow which she reciprocates as he hands her the baked goods, "... I brought you your favourite."

"Yum! Thank you Jungkook," she smiles at him, "... you're the best. By the way—you can have this morning off, I'm meeting up with a friend and they have their own security personnel. Don't worry, it's already been vetted and screened and I should only be two hours tops."

He nods, "... who are you meeting with Miss. Park?"

"A childhood friend, his father is close friends with mine," she explains before looking at her phone, "... the car's ready. I'll see you this afternoon."

Before he could respond, she's being hurried along by the staff who giggle in the background. He turns, raising a brow. It's very unlike them.

"I heard she's meeting up with Min Yoongi, gosh he's so handsome!" One of the staff explain, "... they were actually quite close before Mr. Park took office. Their family have a few ventures including tech companies and shipping and exports. He's such a polite guy, when they first moved in he sent the biggest bouquet of flowers and even brought some cakes to share for all the staff. He is so dreamy, they would be such a cute couple."

Before the others could listen, he finds himself storming out from the kitchen.

Why is there a feeling of uneasiness in his stomach?

Jeon Jungkook wants to throw up.


Park Chaeyoung lied.

Five whole hours had passed and there still was no word from her and she hadn't even replied to his text from three hours ago asking if she wanted a ride back. He thinks about going over there himself before he sees a notification pop up.

[From: Miss. Park Chaeyoung]

Sorry I just checked my phone now, I'm on the way home now ^_^ Lost track of time. Can you ask Mrs. Lee to prepare a box of the eels we bought from Busan, I'd like to give some to my friend. Thank you! See you soon, should be twenty minutes away.

He watches from afar as Mrs. Lee meets the pair at the lobby to pass over the eels.


Min Yoongi is indeed handsome.

Very handsome.

Jeon Jungkook is 100% straight but he still has eyes and knows that the dude could probably win any heart in the world and he watches from afar as Mrs. Lee makes small talk to him before they head back inside together.

Damn it. He's handsome and polite!

When Park Chaeyoung sees him, he tried to act natural but it obviously fails when she taps on his shoulder.

"Are you okay? You're reading the files upside down, Jungkook."


A few days have passed since the incident and for the most part, life in the Blue House is relatively quiet. It's exam period for Park Chaeyoung so in between her public appearances, she's mainly trapped in her room cramming away.

He thinks it's cute.

That is, until he's called into Mr. Park's office and sees the Min Yoongi leaving the office with a smile on his face. To make things worst, when he arrives, her father holding up a dozen cupcakes to him.

"Can you help me pass this to Chaeyoung's room on the way back? They're from Yoongi, she's been studying way too hard," he asks.

Jeon Jungkook nods, but is mentally wondering if he should "accidentally" drop them on the way there, "... of course sir. I'm sorry if this is an intrusion but what was he doing here in your office?"

Mason Park chuckles, "... apparently he wishes to get into politics when he graduates which is quite soon. That and because he wanted to give some things to Chaeyoung too. I have a meeting I need to prepare for but after that I'll most likely call it a day, you and your father can be dismissed early."


He knocks on the door and hears her voice from the other side.

"I'm busy! I'll eat later tonight."

"It's me," he responds, "... can I come in?"

It's silent for a few moments before she opens the door, wearing an oversized shirt and checked pyjama pants. Her hair is tied messily into a bun and she's wearing glasses. It's quite cute, he admits.

"Oh! Are those for me? Thank you Jungkook!" She looks at the cupcakes.

"They're from Yoongi," he quickly responds, watching as her face lights up, as she quickly runs back to her desk, taking out her phone and typing on it (in what she presumes is her thanking him personally), "... how's the studying going?"

She invites him inside, apologizing for the mess as he takes a seat on her study table. There are textbooks and papers everywhere—her table, the floor, her bed and he can even see some on the counter of her bathroom.

"Not good," she responds, "... but it should be alright. Tomorrow is my last exam."

He watches as she takes out a cupcake from the packet and eats it. There's something so alluring about the way she's eating it, or perhaps it's because its been a white since he'd properly seen her and he kind of misses her, if he's honest with himself. She looks at him, pointing to the others.

"Help yourself, please," she tells him.

"I'm fine," he responds.

He can't bring it in himself to eat Min Yoongi's cupcakes!

"So it seems you and Yoongi are close, Miss. Park?" He attempts to bring up casually, though she seems to notice the crack in his voice by the way she suddenly raises a brow.

"We went to elementary school together, but our parents were friends for a long time before that," she explains, "... man these cupcakes are either that good or I'm really deprived with all this studying."

A moment of silence meets the two before she makes comment, "... that's a joke, Jungkook. You're meant to laugh."

"How are you planning on celebrating the end of your exams tomorrow?" He asks her, curiously.

"Hmm, no plans yet," she responds honestly.

"Do you want to do something together? Ju—Just the two of us, I mean..."

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