Turned Tables. 1/5

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The sequal to Prohibited Romance which everyone's been looking for. Hope you guys like it, feel free to give feedback/ideas! <3 

Jeon Jungkook feels like a terrible boyfriend.

He'd explicitly promised her that he'd be back for her, asking for her to wait for him and she knew that while she was rigid and cold on the outside, that inside was a woman who wanted to be cared for. When he'd landed on the plane in Seoul, he found 27 text messages from her and after a long video call that night, they'd decided to do long distance. After all, it was only temporary since he was meant to graduate two months later. Only that Jeon Jungkook didn't properly read the terms of his internship and since it was linked to an external body outside of the university, he had to do free work for a year in Seoul before he could continue with further studies or work overseas. When he first told her the news over video call, he watched first hand as her smile fell, turning closer into sadness. After a few moments of silence she looked at the camera and forced a smile.

"It's okay, Koo. I can wait."

His heart melts into a million pieces that night, and he thinks he must do everything in his power to get his ass to Melbourne as soon as possible, even if it meant that he had to physically swim there.

Four months have passed since then and it'll be a lie if he were to say that their relationship was stronger than ever. Between his volunteering and her very busy case (almost closing on the case she'd worked on before he left) as well as the time difference albeit only for an hour, left a lot of frustration and sadness between the two. Park Chaeyoung was a very physical touch kind of person (though she claims that the idea of love languages is bullshit) and so is he, and seeing her through a screen is no-where near as good as the real thing.

But in the last few days, he noticed that she'd been more distant than ever.

Firstly, she'd leave her office at midnight (rather than 10pm which she'd promised) and on weekends, where she'd have a half day off she'd end the call and say she's catching up with friends for lunch. Except, she never mentioned who (nor what gender) which was very unlike her, and nor would she send him photos of her or her food when arriving home. It's moments like these where he especially wishes to see her in person, so that it could be sorted out faster and where there could be no misunderstanding at all.

But he cannot because she's not answering his calls and coming up with excuses over text.

"What's wrong with you?" Park Jimin questions after dealing with a very agitated and moody version of his best friends, "... something happen with this girlfriend of yours from Australia?"

Jeon Jungkook's eyes widen in shock.

How did he know?

Did she tell him? Wait no, that's impossible she barely talks to him.

"Wh—what do you mean?" He can't help but feel embarrassed seeing his friend laughing at him, "... I'm single!"

"Well firstly, you wouldn't go clubbing with us and that's just... not really like you. Secondly, you're gaming a lot less. Thirdly ever since you came back, you've been glued to your phone waiting for a text, and since when did you close the door when calling a friend," Park Jimin comments, rolling his eyes, "... I'm just wondering why you refuse to tell me about it."

"No, it's nothing like that—"

"Yeah, yeah you're not convincing anyone, save your breath," Park Jimin interrupts him, "... maybe I should ask Chaeyoung if she knows who the mystery girl is. I never expected you to be such a simp, dude."

With that comment, Jeon Jungkook playfully hits his friend causing for him to yelp in pain.


Jeon Jungkook thinks that he's ready to get on a boat and row his way to Melbourne when his girlfriend stops replying to his text messages. In the last few days, she'd been making excuses in skipping their usual nightly call and her texts were barely a full sentence most of the time. Should he march into the Australian embassy and demand an exception to his visa? He watches as his messages aren't delivered, wondering if he had been blocked. But then, he could see her icon well.

Jeon Jungkook is thoroughly confused.

He checks her social media. Nothing.

The day goes by slowly and he finds himself rushing to the toilet every time possible and checking his phone to see nothing. At night, Park Jimin nags at him to drive him to the airport, so that he could pick up a friend who was coming into Seoul. He protests, but after a few curse words and Park Jimin's promise to pay for dinner, he finally arrives.

Jeon Jungkook thinks he hates his life.

That is, until he sees her.

Bright blonde hair.

The same smile he'd been crying over for the last few days.

She's running to the two, quickly hugging her step-brother before hugging him.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost," she jokes, "... are you surprised?"

"Wh—what? How?" Barely any words depart from his lips before he turns to his friend, "... Jimin you knew and didn't tell me?"

He points his fingers to her, "... her idea, not mine. By the way, you need to pay for dinner because Jungkook was so angsty about having to pick someone up."

At dinner (which she pays), he learns that her company gave her permission to work remotely for six months but that if there was a matter that needed to be handled in person that she'd have to take a flight back and forth. They have a firm in Seoul and she'd also visit and help out however possible which meant that while she'll have more freedom, she'll also be expected to learn a lot about the different law practices.

When Park Jimin asked her why she'd decided to come to Seoul, she joked that it was because she wanted to give Jeon Jungkook the karma of the six months she endured.

"Oh, that's right I haven't told him. Chaeyoung will be staying in our apartment for the six months, we can share a room and give her yours since yours since it's smaller. That's fine right?"

Jeon Jungkook curses, remembering how messy of a state he'd left his room in.

Just as he was about to speak, Park Jimin gets a call and a few moments later, he dismisses himself. He had to take over another person's shift who called in sick. When he leaves, the pair look at each other.

"Are you happy, Jungkook?" She asks him, knowing well that he was smiling from ear to ear.

"I thought you were angry at me," he explains, "... I can't believe you're really here but there's one problem."

"What's that?" She asks him, raising a brow.

"I don't think I'll let you go in six months when you leave."

He can't. 

Jeon Jungkook thinks that his heart cannot handle being apart from her, especially after finally seeing her again.

When they arrive at his apartment that day, as he helps her unpack and makes space for her things in his room, he can't help but wrap his arms around her. She turns to him, wrapping her arms around him as she rests her head against his chest.

"I missed you so much, Chae," he whispers, "... we should figure out a way to get rid of Jimin because I'm not going to let you go this time."

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