Undefined Territory. 4/5

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Kim Namjoon notices that the youngest member of their group has been very secretive in the last few months and ordinarily, he wouldn't care since he was a leader who genuinely respected his groups privacy and freedom (as long as they didn't cause any image issues) but months and months had passed and not a single name was uttered. Jeon Jungkook would leave at 6am in the morning and get home at around 3am on his days off and was now always late to practice because he was constantly on his phone. At one instance, his phone rang in the middle of an important meeting with the director and Kim Namjoon can see that for the rest of the meeting, he wasn't focused—as though his mind was still thinking about the person who'd called him. The other boys also tried their best to talk to him, though to no avail. Jeon Jungkook was a closed book.

Jeon Jungkook eventually opens up, but not in ideal circumstances.

They're sitting in a private VIP room enjoying drinks and Jeon Jungkook is not like himself. Usually, he'd only enjoy a couple of shots and a few beers but tonight, he's practically throwing shots down his throat as though he were in the desert and he was drinking water. When Kim Taehyung attempts to stop him, the younger man curses at him before taking another drink. Something wasn't right.

"Jungkook," Kim Namjoon's voice is unusually soft, holding his hand against the others shoulder, "... what's gotten you like this?"

Jeon Jungkook looks up at him, eyes filled with what felt like desperate tears, "... I can't keep doing this anymore, hyung. I just—love her so much."

Before Kim Namjoon can ask another question, the other man falls down against the couch, falling asleep.

Kim Namjoon swears he'll kill whoever hurt his friend!


Jeon Jungkook wishes to start fresh.

His previous night of non-stop drinking felt like a wake-up call. He was unrecognizable. Somewhere between the last few months, he started getting tired of all the games.

He thinks he deserves better.

Jeon Jungkook does deserve better.

Park Chaeyoung was a beautiful woman, but one thing he'd notice in the weeks of courting her was that she was self-destructive. One day, she would tell him that she feels as though she's feeling something romantically while the next, would be her cancelling plans to hang out with her girlfriends.

He put her first, whereas he was simply her backup plan.

She would take hours to respond to him, despite knowing that she very well was online and active.

Hence, Jeon Jungkook decides that it's time to let go. No matter how hard it may seem, no matter how much his heart misses her. He deletes her contact and decides to start fresh.

Not once, did she even message him.

It was his sign to move on.


Jisoo Kim noticed that Park Chaeyoung had been different in the last few days.

In general, she learned that her friend was a closed book when it came to things and often got defensive when pushed too hard. She believes that she will open up when the time is right but when a few months pass and she sees that the light in her eyes are gone, she can't help but hold an intervention.

"Chaeyoung, what's wrong? You haven't been yourself lately," Jennie Kim begins, as the group sit down in the living room.

"I don't know, my heart feels empty," she responds, "... he has another girl."

She spends the night sharing about her feelings for a certain idol (but refuses to drop the name) about how recently, she'd found out that he was dating another idol.

"Well, does he know how you feel?" Jisoo Kim questions, "... that you like him?"

"I don't!" She protests, "... I just, feel weird."

"That feeling is called love," Lalisa Manoban comments, "... you have romantic feelings for him Chaeyoung, and that's not a bad thing."


Jeon Jungkook does his best to move on from her, but he thinks he's desperately failing. In the last few days, Park Chaeyoung had been posting covers on her social media. Sad songs. Love songs. Songs that they sung to in the shower together. Was he overthinking?

Even though she hadn't been around to the various events, his eyes still consistently look around as though he was simply anticipating for her to come. It had been almost three months since he'd seen her in person, it felt as though she purposely stopped coming to gatherings.

Was she ignoring him?

"You seem distracted," the girl beside him comments, "... is everything okay?"

It wasn't.

Nothing was okay.

He went on a few dates with her only because the boys told him that it would keep his mind off things, but it did nothing for his heart.

"I'm fine, just distracted by work," he lies before putting his hand on her back, "... should we go mingle with the others?"

The other woman nods and as they begin to walk to the other side of the room, he can see a certain blonde.

He turns to her and their eyes meet. Jeon Jungkook cannot help but stare.

She was still beautiful, as always.

Her eyes look sad. 

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