Always You. 4/8

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It had been a while since Jeon Jungkook had visited his parent's house in Busan due to his busy schedule.

Mostly, his parents would come over unannounced into his apartment and sleep over in the spare room (which he surprisingly didn't mind) when they would visit Seoul but for the most part, their communication was reserved for daily texts and photo exchanges and a visit here and there when the holidays were around the corner. It had been a few months since he'd last seen Park Chaeyoung in his apartment, where they cried together but since then, they hadn't dared contacted one another.

He knew too, that nothing good could come from reaching out because no matter what, their fans would always get in the way.

After a few weeks of non-stop travel, Jeon Jungkook decides to spend his week off in Busan, where he can really, properly rest and take a break from it all. Though, you can imagine his surprise when he gets inside to see her standing by the kitchen with his mother, with gloves on as they mix a batch of fresh kimchi. He can't help but smile, watching as his mother and her start talking and laughing and how his dogs, didn't even bother to greet him at the door. Instead, his dogs were sitting by Park Chaeyoung's legs, almost as though they were guarding her.

He clears his throat, finally getting acknowledge from the others.

She turns, eyes wide open. He know she's confused as of what to say.

His mother takes of her gloves and runs over to him, hugging him.

"Jungkook! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" She exclaims.

"I texted you this morning but you haven't replied," he notifies her before turning his attention to her, nodding, "... but I suppose your busy with other idols."

His mother laughs before hitting him playfully, "... I asked Chaeyoung to come over, I saw her on instagram and she's looking too skinny for my liking. She should bring back some side dishes."

"I'm sorry Jungkook, I was feeling home sick. Mum and dad are travelling right now for work and I miss your mother's cooking," she clears her throat, "... but I'll go now it's not probl—"

"No, of course not, stay," he interrupts, "... you're practically my mother's daughter anyway."

Jeon Jungkook knew that in the two years that they dated, his mother and her had a really close bond. They often were out together, sent videos to one another and she often took her mother for spa-dates whenever they were in the same city. The break-up was perhaps, harder for his mother in some respects. She yelled at him when he told her, thinking that he son had really stuffed up and for the first few months, she kept asking about her out of instinct.

"How long are you staying in Busan?" He questions her.

"I was planning on staying till the weekend, since I have to shoot next week and my schedule will be a little full," she notifies him, "... I didn't know you'd be here. I'll go back tonight, so you can have some quality time with your mum."

"Don't be silly, between the two of us, mum would rather kick me out than you. You should stay, she really misses you," he tells her before turning to his mother, "... I'm going to shower first."

When he leaves, he hears the two talking from afar.

"Is it really okay sweetheart?" His mother whispers, "... I didn't know he'd come."

"Of course Mrs Jeon, we aren't on bad terms," she informs him, "... I feel bad though for intruding."

"Don't be silly, if anything I'd rather kick Jungkook out."

Not long, the sound of giggling can be heard.

Yep, mum really does love her more than him!


When Jeon Jungkook emerges from his shower, after settling all his belongings he sees Park Chaeyoung sitting on the couch playing with his dogs. It was almost reminiscent of the times she'd come over during the holidays, as they visited his family early and then would go travel elsewhere to visit hers.

It had really been a while, since he'd seen her like this.

"They love you more than they love me," he comments suddenly, causing for her to turn and smile at him, "... where did mum go?"

"The neighbours called her over for some tea, she said she'll be back soon," she notifies, "... Jungkook I'm sorry to intruding, really. I didn't know you'll be here. I think it's better if I stay at a hotel tonight and go back to Seoul."

"You can try," he comments, watching as her face slightly falls into a pout, "... but my mother will kill me if I let you go so it's best you stay, besides we have enough rooms anyway I'll sleep in my brother's room."

Park Chaeyoung nods, "... your mother keeps messaging me and sending me things, I'm glad I can keep a good relationship with her, especially when my family is so far away."

"You'll always be her daughter," he comments, "... every time I call she asks how you are even though she knows we've broken up."

"My parents too," she tells him, "... I guess they think if they keep bringing you up that we'll somehow get together."

If only it were that easy.

He chuckles.

"Your solo will be out soon, how are you feeling?" He asks her.

They'd spoken about her plans prior to breaking up, but more than a year has passed and no news had come out. From the last time he'd heard from her, she wanted to sing something energetic and joyful—perhaps even a bubble-gum concept.

"Nervous. Very nervous. But also excited," she tells him, "... I hope the fans like it."

"They will," he tells her, knowing well that there was no one that she'd let anything outside of perfection be posted to the public.

"I hope you do too," she tells him.

She did?

"Will you sing it for me now?" He questions, "... perhaps I can let you know earlier."

She shakes her head.

"Why not?" He questions her.

"I won't be able to hold back the tears if I do."

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