Something More. 3/3

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Something between them changes, when they come home from New Zealand. Somehow, Park Chaeyoung finds herself feeling uneasy, trying to put the pieces why in understanding the sudden added awkwardness between the two. His responses begun to feel more robotic and outside of him sending pictures from their trip.

And then there was the pictures.

She couldn't help but look at the pictures of the three of them, standing in front of the various key locations in the region. Hyeon has the brightest smile across her face, but even she did too. When Kim Jisoo came over to take Hyeon on a playdate with her niece, she noticed the photos and said that they really did look like a happy family. There was one picture in particular, where the pair were holding their daughters hands side by side and swinging her around. It was a good memory.

Park Chaeyoung heads to his apartment a little earlier than their arrangement, and she's surprised to be greeted by his mother at the door.

"Mrs. Jeon, good afternoon," she greets, watching as her daughter jumps into the arms of her grandmother, "... where is Jungkook?"

Timed perfectly, he emerges from the bedroom and sees her. He glances at her momentarily before turning to his daughter, giving her a hug too before looking to her.

"Thanks for bringing her over," he says.

"Are you going somewhere?" She questions him noticing that he was wearing clothes a little too nice to be for home, and his usual sandalwood scent lingered as he took a step closer.

Why was she feeling nervous?

She looks at him from head to toe. He wore black trousers and a black dress shirt, only it was unbuttoned quite low. If she hadn't known any better, he would assume that he was going out on a date.

"Hmm, yes," he responds, "... we had a big win at the office so we're going for drinks."


He can feel the agitation in her voice. Somehow, it makes a smirk grow across his lips.

"Does it matter?"

And suddenly, it hit hers.

Does it matter?

"Anyway, I'll be going now," he tells her before giving a final kiss to Hyeon and his mother, "... daddy is going out now, okay? Be good for grandma. We'll have your favourite pancakes tomorrow morning."

She watches as her daughter cheers in excitement before running over and showing her grandma some of the new toys her dad recently brought.

"Are you headed back? Do you want a lift home?" He asks her.

"Oh no, I'm fine," she assures him.

"It's on my way anyway, come I'll drive you."

She wonders why there's still an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.


Park Chaeyoung gets a call from Hyeon's school to learn that she'd gotten an injury from playing in the playground. She rushes from her studio into the school, only to find that Jeon Jungkook was already there, tie slightly loose and hair partially wet.

Had he rushed from work, too?

"Oh, Chaeyoung," he notices her presence, looking up, "... she's okay, Hyeon is a warrior not a damsel, right sweetie?"

"Yep!" The little girl responds proudly, "... but daddy promised to give me ice cream since I was a brave girl and let the nurse treat me without crying. Are you proud?"

"Your mother is always proud of you," he interrupts, looking at her, "... it's my turn to pick her up anyway, so I figured we'd go home early and get some rest. Do you want to come?"

"And get ice cream?" She frowns.

"Just once in a while, Chaeyoung," he notifies, "... just come, you look pretty stressed."

They stop by a local ice cream shop not far from his property and while Hyeon is busy in the small play area inside the store, she takes the intiative of interviewing him.

"So how was the work celebration?" She asks.

"Good, was home before 2 in the morning," he notifies, "... we had pancakes the next morning and Hyeon helped bake cupcakes in the afternoon for the office. I think she has your talent."


"You used to always be baking something back then, whenever I came over there was always something in the oven," he recalls, "... haven't had your brownies in a while."

Maybe she had forgotten. How long had it been since she baked? More so, how could he remember? She did those things long before she was pregnant.

"I'll bake some next time and bring it over," she tells him, "... any other requests?"

"Hmmm, the caramel slices were pretty good too."

"Noted," she smiles at him, "... the pictures turned out great, by the way."

He nods, "... Hyeon showed it to all her friends at school and they said her parents looked like kings and queens."

He chuckles, "... she's really grown a lot, right?"

Park Chaeyoung nods.

"I've been feeling a little uneasy, lately," she finally blurts out, not realising that it was something she had been keeping to herself for so long.

"About what?" He questions her.

"The arranged date, you going out... I don't know why, but—"

"Are you sure its not jealousy?" He asks her, "... I'll only ask you one more time, Chaeyoung. Are you sure you don't have feelings?"

"I don't know," she responds honestly, "... I feel confused."

"Well, are you unhappy with what we have? This co-parenting thing, I mean," he questions her.

She shakes her head, "... I'm grateful, you're a good father."

"Do you want something more?"

"I do, I want something more."

"Then let's figure it out, together."

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