Prohibited Romance. 2/3

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Park Chaeyoung finds herself thinking about him quite often, especially ever since he'd fixed her flat tire. She doesn't know why, but she finds herself being more aware of herself even in small gestures like making sure there was a bit of lip tint on her lips before she'd leave her room or the way she'd quickly take a shower after work (as opposed to her usual lay on the couch in her work clothes for a solid hour before getting up and running to her room). Sometimes, she'd find herself staring at him such as when he was changing the light bulb for her, teasing winking and telling her to stop staring at him as though he were dessert or the way she'd sit on the kitchen island watching as he prepared dinner.

Jeon Jungkook was an excellent cook, she'd give him that.

She can't help but let a faint moan leave her lips at the first time she'd tasted his cooking, almost erotically and she knows, he's quite handy around the house.

With cases in Melbourne increasing, new laws are implemented making offices banned from working at full capacity. Park Chaeyoung decides to relocate her desk from her room, asking him to help move it to the living room, closer to natural light and so that he could use it too when he needed to study. As he carries it with both arms (a very very strong set of arms, Park Chaeyoung thinks) she can't help but allow words to blurt out.

"It's kind of a shame that you'll be gone in a few months," it's almost as though she's mulling to herself, though he stops and looks at her in surprise, "... it's quite handy having you around to cook, fix furniture, help around."

"I believe you're looking for an assistant, Chaeyoung," he quips, a wide smile across his lips, "... but I'll miss this also. Melbourne is so much different to Seoul."

"I'm planning on going to Sydney next month for a networking dinner," she tells him, "... would you like to come? Your internship should be officially finished by then, right? It's mandatory to bring a date and the tickets are all paid."

He nods. A part of him in fact is excited at the opportunity to see her in her element. He'd heard from Jimin that she was notoriously known for how good her networking was, hence why there were so many accusations about her taking bribes.

He had been wondering whether he should stay around once the work in the hospital ended, or whether to stay until his visa fully expired, "... I heard they have beautiful beaches."

She nods, "... lots of great places to hike too. It's been a while since I've been there."

As she speaks, she finds herself thinking about the time she spent in Sydney her family.

Jeon Jungkook somehow notices, she realises because he's staring at her intently.

"Are you okay?" He finally manages to ask.

She nods, wiping her tears with the back of her hands, "... this is so embarrassing but I used to go to Sydney a lot growing up with my mother."

"And you don't anymore?" He questions her curiously.

She shakes her head, "... she passed away years ago."

"I'm so sorry, Chaeyoung," his voice is soft as he moves closer to her, holding her hand and squeezing onto it, "... you don't have to talk about it more."

"My mother, she loved my father a lot. He came to Sydney on business, already having a wife and child, which is Jimin. But they sort of—just hit it off right off the bat, and one thing led to another, I was born. But then, he decided to go back to Korea and make things right with his wife and to be a good father for Jimin," she takes a deep breath, "... my mother looked strong on the outside but inside, she was so broken and hurt. Jimin's family never accepted me, and when they found out I was studying to be a criminal lawyer, they had more reason to defame me and blame things on my mother. She was the bad influence. Then it was me who was the new devil. They said the fortune teller told them that I was the black spirit of the family, and that I was the generational curse. My mother remarried, and he was a good man—but the stress was too much. I've relied on my step father, who's more like my real father ever since."

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