Twisted Games. 5/5

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Park Chaeyoung spends the night in her room crying over The Notebook after everything that happens. Her fingertips clutch onto the dainty blue pendant heart as she blows her nose with the other hand, not caring that her crying could be heard from the other side of the room. The girls sporadically knocked on the door and asked to speak to her, but she kept it fully locked and simply ignored them until they eventually stopped try. Her heart felt as though it had been physically ripped from her chest and squeezed into annellation.

Park Chaeyoung despises herself and hates the woman that she'd become.

Perhaps, the world would be better had she not existed, she thinks. That night, she throws the pendant by the side of her bed, right in front of her night stand beside a bunch of crumpled up tissues as she falls asleep with only the sound of hitched breathing to be heard. It's the lowest her life had ever been.

The next morning, Park Chaeyoung wakes up and heads straight to the shower giving herself a mental prep talk to prepare herself for the next coming days.

You got this. Mum didn't raise you to be so weak!

She goes to practice with eyes red and puffy, but does the best she can to push through the pain. Surprisingly, the girls decide not to bring up the topic and do what they can to make sure that she's comfortable.

"Jisoo," Jennie Kim quietly pulls her older friend to the side as the others walk out of the room during their break, "... let's let her talk about it when she's ready."

Jisoo Kim agrees.

Things hurt a lot less after an ice-cream run and they eat their ice cream in the practice room in complete silence. If she were honest, her body was functioning on autopilot mode, especially so given that she was beginning to feel numb from all the crying. Every body roll, every note kept her mind off the pain panging through her entire being and thus, Park Chaeyoung doesn't stop. She pushes herself—even when all other three girls leave up until 6am in the morning. Usually the girls would come in at 7am so she figures that she can simply keep going, until they arrive whereby she can simply pretend that she'd come in early. Except somewhere between that time, everything turns black.


She wakes out to the feeling of warm fingers around hers and a bright light shining on her. It takes a moment for her eyes to adjust to the light and her body almost shakes as she tries to jump from her position, confused at the sudden appearance of white wallpaper.

"Relax, relax, you're in hospital Chaeyoung you fainted from exhaustion."

Park Chaeyoung squints her eyes to see her sister standing by the hospital bed, worry painted all over her face. She opens to mouth to speak, but her voice seems overly dry and her older sister quickly runs to her bag to give her some water. Slowly, she moves her body up against the pillow, sitting in an upright position.

"Where are the girls?" She turns, seeing what she counts to be four bouquets of flowers, "... why are there so many flowers? Was in in a coma? Did I die?"

Her older sister playfully hits her across the arm, "... your fansites, I'm not sure how they found out and someone with the initial's JK sent some in over. Do you know who that is?"

She pauses for a moment, feeling overly confused.

Was it him?

"I'm not sure," she lies, "... where are the girls?"

"Getting dinner. You've been out for almost the whole morning, the doctor said you need to rest for at least three days and the girls said they'd take turns looking after you," her older sister notifies her.

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