Fake Love. 5/10

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can we believe we're halfway through this fic (i feel like I can write for another 37292873 parts so i'm a bit sad but yolo). thanks for all the support and for everyone commenting their anger at jungkook, i apologise :D where is his redemptive arc!!!!! when is it coming??????

Park Chaeyoung cannot help but laugh when he sees how hard of a time Jeon Jungkook is having as her "fake boyfriend." Firstly was the fact that Min Yoongi kept hitting him amid moments of his lack of awareness, for example when he simply watched as she had to carry her luggage into the terminal. Secondly was when she was having trouble opening up her water bottle and how he simply stood and stared blankly before getting yelled at by Irene. The third time was when they were in the car to the hotel, Park Chaeyoung had fallen asleep and when they took a short toilet break, he quickly went out and left her in the car, until he was yelled at so loudly that she'd woken up. She thought it was endearing to be honest.

"Chaeyoung," he calls her name out as the other pair were busy asking questions at reception, "... the room we booked is one king bed. Is it okay? Irene has a habit of always coming in and checking out the rooms, she might be suspicious."

She nods, "... I can sleep on the couch, it's comfortable for me anyway."

"Of course not. The bed is big enough for two, probably even six people. I won't hurt you," he tells her.

She nods.

It wasn't that big of a deal to her, if she were honest. She knew that nothing was going to happen between the two.

Jeon Jungkook was right, when Irene came over (as the men had their meeting to attend to) she indeed inspected every single inch of the hotel room, comparing views.

"Should we go downstairs and have some afternoon tea? I really love the scones and you can't get them anywhere else but here!"

The two girls got along very well, even though the other was a little older, they seemed to connect on a lot of levels.

"You know, I'm glad Jungkook has you," Irene comments as she takes another sip from her hot tea, "... he's been alone for so long after her, we were getting worried. Especially the boys."

Park Chaeyoung can't help but feel guilty for lying, knowing that his friends really did care for him. Was he really going to go back to being alone once December was over? Would he be okay?

"I know he's a little—rough, but it's a good guy on the inside, he's just been through a lot," he comments absently, "... I hope you can be patient with him. He's already started changing a big since he's met you."

"Hmm? In what ways?" She inquiries.

"He smiles more," she tells him honestly, "... and when we nag at him, he at least does it. When he was with Chungha, he'd get defensive about being a boyfriend and not a slave and they'd get into a fight over it. She was always feeling like she was walking on eggshells."

Maybe she too, was walking on eggshells.


When they get back to the hotel room, Jeon Jungkook is passed out on the bed (with his button up shirt and dress pants still on) and she can't help but feel bad. She sits on her bed, doing a little reading before she hears a knock on the door.

Min Yoongi and Bae Joohyun are at the door, inviting them to have dinner together by the beach. Park Chaeyoung turns to him, and sees that he's still dead asleep.

"I think I'll stay with Jungkook and we'll eat later on, or maybe room service," she careful not to speak too loud to wake him, "... have a fun time though."

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