Teenage Romance. 1/3

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alternative universe where park chaeyoung and jeon jungkook fall in love amid their senior high school days because everyone thinks that they're an unlikely pair.

Jeon Jungkook curses as at the sudden rain falling from the sky.

He's a lover for rain, especially on a cold day and when he's snuggled cozily in bed with his electric blanket on the second highest setting. But not when it was two days before his big football match and he was already ten minutes late for practice.

Damn it, coach it going to make him do extra laps.

As he waits under the shelter scrolling through his bus app, realizing that he'd just missed the bus, he contemplates whether it'll be best to skip practice all together and safe face, or whether to call an uber. Opening his online banking, he notices that he has less than 10 000 won which is meant to last him for the entire week.

"Fuck!" He curses out loud, mentally scolding himself for spending his extra cash on the overpriced anime figures he bid on last week.

He feels his cheeks flushing red in embarrassment when a cough interrupts his thoughts, he turns and sees her.

The class president.

Most likely to be valedictorian.

Rumors has it that Park Chaeyoung already has multiple scholarship offers lined up. And they hadn't even taken their final exams yet!

"I m—meant frick?" He tries to cover up his poor manners.

The dark-haired student chuckles, her nose slightly crinkled at the gesture before she looks to him at confusion, before looking back at the clock by the hallway to notice that it was way after school hours.

"Did you stay back today, Jungkook?"

He nods, "... detention. You?"

She opens her mouth in surprise before nodding.

"I was reading in the library and didn't notice the time," she notifies him.

Two polar opposites.

Jeon Jungkook can safely say that he'd never finished a book his entire life (except for his comics) while he remembers the various times he'd spotted her in the library studying (and he was only there because he was on duty for too many absences).

"Are you waiting for the rain to stop?" She asks curiously, "... I have an umbrella, you can borrow it if you'd like. You should get home quickly, or you'd catch a cold."

"I have practice. Finals is coming up and our team needs to train a bit harder," he notifies.

"Even in the rain?" She asks him, raising an ample brow.

"Especially in the rain. They predict it'll rain on finals day, so it's preparation, I guess," he shrugs, "... are you coming to watch the game?"

He turns to her, noticing the wave of confusion in her expression.

"I—I've never gone to a football game before," she confesses, "... would be weird if I came, right?"

"Of course not! You MUST go! It's our school spirit and pride!" He notices her frowning, "... I mean, outside of academics. You should go to the finals! It's the best game there, the atmosphere is a lot of fun and there's an afterparty too regardless of whether we win or not."

He sees her lips pressed together in a pout, as though she were considering it.

"I guess I should go, and support our hard working team. It'll be bad for you to train in the rain for nothing, right?" She decides, turning to him for validation.

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