Just break up already! - MarkHyuck (NCT)

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Bocs az angolért, gyakorolni akartam

"Hyuck? What are you doing here?"
"I want my Mark back" he said, tears running down his face.
"Hyuck, we broke up a month ago" Mark sighed. "Take no for an answer."
"But I still love you! You can't do this to me!" he cried out in desperation. "Mark, I didn't cheat on you! It was all just a misunderstanding!"
"Then why were you all over Jeno, when I walked in on you two?" Mark asked with a serious tone. "I won't put up with your shit anymore, Hyuck, no matter how hard you try to explain yourself. You were so fucking hard to love, but I still did, because I cared about you! I loved you... and you betrayed me."

"Please, Mark... I'm sorry, it won't happen ever again" Hyuck tried to wipe his tears off his face, but new ones appeared almost immediately, as he silently continued crying.
"It sure won't happen, because we won't happen" Mark said. "I'm done with you. Go and date Jeno, if you like his company so much."
"B-but he has a girlfriend..."
"Even better. The two cheaters together... I'm sure you two would make a great couple." Mark nodded in disbelief. "I don't even know what drew me to you in the first place. I don't find any part of you attractive now."

"Can you stop hurting me?" Hyuck asked rolling his eyes. "I think I'm messed up enough already."
"Yeah, you definitely are." Mark said quietly. "Go home now, okay? You won't accomplish anything by coming here and crying on my doorstep every now and then."
"I know, but... I'm so lonely nowdays" Hyuck whispered. "Can I at least say goodbye to you the way I would've wanted?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"One last kiss..." he said, shyly looking at the ground between their feet.
"Do you promise to leave me alone after that?" Mark asked, ready for some negotiation, which then wasn't needed.
"I do" Hyuck said, looking into Mark's beautifully shaped eyes. If he hadn't screwed up, the boy of his dreams could have been his forever...

"Then do it" Mark leaned closer, to make it easier for Hyuck to reach him. As their lips met again, after what felt like an eternity, their hearts lit up as well, remembering all the loving touches they had recieved from each other during their relationship. Mark couldn't help, but wrap his arms around his ex boyfriend's waist, pulling him closer, to feel his body's warmth one last time, and this made Hyuck brave enough to kiss him again, and again, making it seem like one super long kiss, that basically never ends... But no kiss could save them from their problems, and both of them knew it too well at this point.

"Leave" Mark whispered, still hugging Hyuck.
"Let go of me first" the other said, as he expressed all his sadness in one deep sigh.
"You're so fucking complicated" Mark slowly stepped away from him, and put his hand on the handle of the door. "Tell Jeno, I said hi."
"I will never forget you" Hyuck looked him up and down with a rather hopeful smile on his face. "Never."
"Me neither" Mark mouthed the words, as he turned his back to his ex. That kiss might have just fucked everything up in his mind about Lee Donghyuck, the boy he was trying to get over for a while now. And he was afraid of whatever was coming up next.

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