1 - "let's go home Nat"

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chapter 1

"Just tell me when you're ready Cap." Bruce said.

"Go on Bruce." Steve replied.

Bruce then clicked the button that will activate the time machine. It will only take one minutes for Steve to be back but for Steve, it might be 1 week or maybe less and maybe more.

Meanwhile at the other timeline, Steve is busy returning all the infinity stones to their places and try his best to keep it safe and finally the last but not least, returning the soul stone. It brings a little bit shiver to his body when he recall what Clint said about what happened here, in fact Steve still couldn't get over it, he tried his best to hide his feeling but it was just to painful that he didn't get a chance to say goodbye to her. He inhale and exhales for a while and then continue walking, when he reached the top he met Red Skull and get surprised "What the hell are you doing here?" Steve asked.

"Steven Grant Rogers, son of Joseph and Sarah, you're not the visitor I'm hoping to see." Red Skull said.

"It's not like I'm hoping to see you either." Steve replied and rolled his eyes.

"What brings you here?." Red Skull asked.

"I'm returning this, please keep it safe. A good friend of mine sacrified her life for this stone." Steve answered with a bit teary eyes.

"Is that tears I'm seeing?" Red Skull teased with a smirk.

"You know it's good for you to be exluited here, you're so annoying." Steve said.

"I can't believe in my ears The Captain America insulted a resident." Red Skull mocked.

"You're not a resident, you're a villian, you deserve whatever this punishment is." Steve replied. "Enough talking okay, I need to get back, here's the stone." Steve continued.

"People came to take the stone while you came to return it. You might want to thank me later." Red Skull said as Steve walked away and ignored what he is saying knowing that he's tired of such bullshit coming out from a Red Skull's mouth.

"A soul for a soul." Red Skull mumbled and then vanished without Steve seeing or even hearing.

When Steve is on his way back, suddenly the road that is in front of him disappeared, he was shocked for a while until a blast of light covered his vision and by a second he was unconscious.

A small lake of water, an evening sky, is where he woke up. Realising he wasn't where he was before, he checked his watch but his watch showed that he is still at Vormir, it was weird that this kind of thing happen, Steve got up and was ready to get back until he felt a familiar hand tapped to his shoulder.

"Steve.. is that you?" that voice asked. A quite familiar voice that shocked Steve to death, as he turned his head back, his baby blue eyes met with that other green emerald eyes, for a second he thought he might be dead at Vormir and then luckily be able to meet her again, but when his watch beeped a signal, he realise this isn't death.

Steve was in silence for quite of time. He keep on locking his eyes into hers, he is so happy that tears started falling down from his eyes as he pulled her into a tight hug. "Natasha.. I.. I thought I will never see you again." Steve mumbled buring his head into her shoulders.

Natasha herself couldn't believe what happened too, she hugged him back tightly and let a few tears came out. Then she realise a bad thought that might have happened, Natasha pulled away and looked at Steve concerned. "Steve you're not dead right?" She asked seriously with both of her hand holding his cheek.

"That was what I think happened and I realise it's not true." Steve replied while lifting his right hand to hold Natasha's left hand that is holding his cheek.

"So you're saying that, I'm the one coming back to life?" Natasha asked surprisingly letting go of her hands from Steve's cheek and moved her arms several times to check how she is doing.

"Steve how?" Natasha asked curiously.

"I also don't know Nat, but what matter is, I am more than happy to see you again." Steve answered. He's a bit confused but he tried to let it slid away since what's important is Natasha coming back to life. He then recalled a moment of what the Red Skull said before "You might want to thank me later."

"Is this what he's talking about?" Steve thought in his mind. "THANK YOU RED SKULL." Steve suddenly shouted and Natasha got confused.

"Why are you thanking that moron?" Natasha asked with a disgusted face.

"I don't wanna owe any gratitude." Steve replied. "I just got a slight thought of that moron may be the reason you're here." He continued.

"Seriously? Him?" Natasha asked in disbelief. "Should I thank him too? Or maybe not.. It's kinda you know, I don't like him but somehow he made me alive again." Natasha blabbered and Steve laughed.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want, I had representated you." Steve replied with a chuckle. But suddenly a voice with an echo came out of nowhere said "It wasn't me, it's the universe law, everything has a price here." Recognizing the similar voice, yep it's Red Skull. "And uh you're welcome anyway." Definitely Red Skull.

Steve and Natasha laughed a bit and Steve looked into her eyes again. "You know, it's been a really long one minute from what you said last time." Steve said sadly as Natasha could sense his broken tone.

"I don't expect this either." Natasha replied without looking at his eyes, she avoided to see his eyes because he looked so broken right now and she know her heart will ached in pain if she looked at him now.
"But we did it right?" Natasha asked, trying to change the topic.

"Yes we did and friendly reminder, I noticed you're trying to change the topic." Steve replied.

"I just don't want to talk about it." Natasha said.

"Look at me Nat." Steve said firmly, it made Natasha finally locking her eyes into his again. "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have said no do-overs. We can actually find another way." He added with a broken smile.

"None of this is your fault Steve." Natasha replied. "It's my own choice." She added. "Stop blaming yourself for everything." She said lastly with a smile and Steve just stayed quiet, he is unable to say anything, he just wanted to see her, to look at her, to express how guilty he felt.

"Okay so why are you in silence?" Natasha asked, breaking the silence between them.

"I just wanted to see you a little longer." Steve replied with a smile.

"That's creepy." Natasha teased.

"Not in that way." Steve rolled his eyes. "I just can't believe this is real." He added.

"Me too Steve." Natasha said. "Promise me, don't blame yourself anymore okay? I'm here and I'm fine." She added.

"I can't promise it." Steve smiled faintly.

"Ugh I hate you." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"No you don't." Steve teased and Natasha juat smiled at him.

Steve held out his hand to Natasha and she took his hand, he hold her hand tightly, scared of the fact that he might lose her again. Natasha's little hand is of course feeling a little bit of pain, not to mention it's being hold so tight by a super soldier but she decided not to say anything because she just happens to understand his feeling. His guilt.

"Let's go home, Nat." Steve said with the most sincere eyes and a heartfelt smile and Natasha nodded at him.

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