21 - "because we will never be together."

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chapter 21

Natasha's expression changed. She was surprised as she let go of his hand and for some reasons she looked terrified."No." She said to herself. She refuses to believe it, she didn't want him to fall for her. "Steve.." Natasha was about to speak but Steve cut her off. "I'm not done yet." He said.

"You won many other hearts to be exact, you're their hero, you had no idea how many peoples that were broken when we announced your death and Tony's death." Steve said. "You made them reunited with their family, you don't even know who they are and you're willing to risk your life for them." Steve said with a smile.

Natasha felt relieved on what Steve said, she is glad that the words he said before wasn't meant that way. But the truth is, Steve just added the rest of the words because he realises how her expression changed in fear before. Is it really a better choice to stay like this? To shut down the feelings he had for her?

We all know, when he said She had won his heart, She really did and He truly mean it.

"Thank you for your Captain America's speech." Natasha smiled faintly.

"That's a Steve Rogers being a good friend speech." Steve teased and Natasha laughed.

"You know you're so silly." She said between her laugh. "And you stink." She teased.

"Hey, you probably stink too." Steve said with a laugh. "My sweat is like all over you." He chuckles.

"I know." Natasha sighed heavily. "But it's okay, my face have been splattered by alien's blood." Natasha said with a smirk.

"Really?" Steve asked with an eyebrow up.

"Yeah at Wakanda. Wanda fly her and hit her with one of the spaceship and boom.. splattered." Natasha said.

"Ew." Steve said in a disgust face.

"I know, that's really gross." Natasha laughed. Steve was about to ask something but Natasha cut him off, "Don't you dare to ask me how bad it smelled." She said firmly.

"I was just wondering." Steve laughed.

"Your girl wouldn't be mad to know if I hugged you right?" Natasha asked.

"You can't be mad to yourself." Steve said to himself. "We're not even that close." He lied.

"Oh really? Then why do you love her?" Natasha asked.

"I don't need a reason to love someone." Steve said.
"Perhaps because she happens to be you. You're amazing, you really are. You're kind, you're beautiful, I don't know, there are too much to tell. I just can't seem to get over you." He said to himself, it was painful for not able to say it out loud.

"You know you do. You just don't want to tell me." Natasha chuckles.

"If you realise that, then stop asking." Steve said as he hit her playfully.

"I'm just trying my best to get some answers." Natasha said. "And um.. I'll be happy to be an aunty again." She said with a sad smile as she looked down.

"You're being the mom Nat." Steve said to himself with a broken smile. He really wanted to say it to her, but it will probably not end well. Little did he know, She is unable to be a mother, that is why her expression changed as she looked down sadly.

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