46 - sisters talk

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chapter 46

"You what...." Wanda asked in disbelief, she was surprised because she didn't expect it to happen.

"Yeah I kissed him unconsciously which is drunk but he didn't pushed me away." Natasha said in confusion. "The part that he doesn't push me away is making me confused right now but we'll get back to that later." Natasha said.

"Okay go on." Wanda said.

"As I woke up, I was already at my bedroom then I thought it was a dream that we kissed." Natasha said. "Since it has no reason to happen, of course I think of it as a dream." Natasha shrugged her shoulders and Wanda nooded.

"So I went out to grab a drink and I met him."
"We had normal conversations as usual."
"But then he asked me if I remembered something or not."
"I chocked on my drink." Natasha said.

"Totally understandable, go on." Wanda said.

"I can't say I dream about us kissing since it's going to be awkward right?" Natasha asked.

"Kinda..." Wanda answered.

"So I asked him did anything happened and did he carry me to my room." Natasha said.
"He said nothing happened and he did carry me to my room, he also claimed he didn't do anything which I found cute and funny." Natasha laughed a little.

"Wait, so did you guys kissed or not?" Wanda asked.

"We did but I thought it was just a dream by that time." Natasha answered.

"But Steve know it isn't, that is why he asked you did you remembered anything." Wanda said finally catching on the story.

"Yep." Natasha replied shortly. "So as our conversation goes on, he didn't bring it up." Natasha said.

"Because he thought you didn't remembered." Wanda said.

"Exactly." Natasha stated.

"So we had this normal and usual conversation."
"Followed by our game." Natasha said.

"What game?" Wanda asked.

"We kinda have this game in which we flirt with each other." Natasha shrugged her shoulder unsurely because she isn't a fan of Wanda's expression right now. Yeah she smiled widely and gave her that look.

"Okay quit smiling like that or I'll stop." Natasha said with narrowed eyebrows.

"Alright sorry, I couldn't help it." Wanda shrugged her shoulder. "I think that I like where this is going." Wanda said proudly.

"Ugh." Natasha rolled her eyes in annoyance. "
"So somehow in this game, I am mostly the one who flirts." Natasha said.

"Not surprised." Wanda said with a laugh.

"But since I underestimate him too much I gave him a chance to do revenge on me." Natasha said.

"And..." Wanda asked.

"He did pretty good." Natasha said. "I hate to admit that I lost actually." Natasha added.

"Then..." Wanda asked. "Oh isn't it where Drax sees you?" Wanda asked again.

"Yeah." Natasha answered. "How did you know?" Natasha asked.

"I kinda read his mind a bit when he mention it this morning." Wanda said with a nod.

"Yeah this bald alien appeared as he compel / enforce himself as invincible." Natasha said in disbelief.

"Which is funny." Wanda laughed.

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