6 - "you deserve to be happy."

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chapter 6

It's finally morning again at the HQ, there are the Guardians of The Galaxy or perhaps The Asgardians of The Galaxy, also Sam, Wanda, Rhodes, and lastly Natasha and Steve. Meanwhile Tony and Bruce are now is on their way to the HQ because the Avengers are planning to go to Wakanda today, for Tony's and Bruce's treatment

All of them gathered at the dining table to have breakfast together but Steve's notice that someone is missing. So he asks "Did anyone see Natasha?"

"You're girlfriend?" Drax asked back with a straight face. Hearing Drax's words make Sam, Wanda, Thor and Rhodes shock and glared at Steve. And the Guardians were just confused.

"She's not my girlfriend." Steve said as he rolled his eyes.

"Say that to what happened last night." Drax said with a proud smile.

"This dude is unbelievable." Steve said to himself in disbelief.

"Just to be sure, what happened last night?" Wanda asked. Actually she already knew some stuffs that flashes in Drax's mind.

Drax was about to open his mouth but the Steve cut him by saying. "Nothing." with a firm voice.

"Drax is so suspicious." Rocket whispers to Quill and he nodded.

Drax really wanted to tease him up, but maybe he can just save it for later he thought. Sam on the other way is holding his breath trying not to scream. He is dying to know what happened last night.

"Well I haven't seen her since she came back with you from Vormir." Rhodes answered.

"Same here." Sam said shortly as he again continues to hold his breath. And the others followed with a nod.

"Is she still sleeping?" Steve asked himself. So he decided to go to her room and knock on the door, "Nat, are you coming with us? If yes let's have breakfast first." He said as he repeatedly knocks the door, but then he found out the door wasn't locked so he open it and finds that Natasha is nowhere to be there. Well Natasha does get up early in the morning and she usually just spend time at another room or maybe the balcony.

Steve took out his cell phone and texted Natasha.

Nat, are you at the HQ?

He waited for several minutes until Natasha finally replied to him.


You know after answering "No." you should probably continue to say "I'm at bla bla bla."

I'm at the park, why?

Well that's new.
We're going to Wakanda. Tony and Bruce are already on their way here, are you coming too?

Why didn't you tell me yesterday..

I thought you already know 😅

After I pass out for 8 hours and wake up at midnight? Yep, haven't had any conversations with anyone else except you. And that alien assh*le.


Steve you're being such an emoji addict.

It's fun 😱

Stop it.

No 😜


See, you're not an emoji addict too.

No, I'm not.

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