25 - "i do love you"

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chapter 25

"Oh well, the Captain America happens to be right beside you maam." Sam said as he let out a whistle to tease them while Steve is looking away to cover his tomato face.

"Shut up Sam." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"What was your reasons though?" Wanda asked.

"I don't know, perhaps his loyalty, it really beats the playboy Iron Man." Natasha joked out. "Glad Tony changed though." She added with a nod.

"I am so surprised to know that he has a daughter." Wanda said seriously.

"Me too." Sam stated.

"Yeah, I'm really happy for him." Natasha said looking down sadly with a smile.

She is happy for him, she really is.. but everytime a topic happens to be talking about a child, she couldn't help it but felt a bit sad, well not a bit but perhaps it's a really painful feeling, painful to know that she is unable to have kids, that is when she was lost in her thoughts again.

"Natasha, what do you mean?" Wanda asked in concern and it made Natasha snapped out of her thoughts.

"Damn it." Natasha cursed herself, sometime she just forgot that Wanda is able to read minds.

"Don't you dare say a word." Natasha said firmly. "Please don't." She said in her mind and Wanda decided to stay quiet.

Realising the cold atmosphere, Sam decided to lighten up the mood. "So you like loyal guys?" He asked as he cocked his head.

"I don't like, I just prefer." Natasha said with both eyebrows up.

"That doesn't make any differences." Sam said in disbelief.

"Hey, I just preffered, it's not like it's going to happen anyways." Natasha shrugged her shoulders. She had no idea the person that is right beside her, had been loving her for almost 10 years.

"You had no idea." Sam blurted out and Natasha raised one eyebrow up. "What could that possibly mean?" Wanda teased.

"I'm just saying." Sam replied as he continue to focus on the steer. "Are you done staring at the road Steve?" Sam asked as he laughed.

Steve of course glared at him. "I'm not staring at the road." Steve said firmly.

"Yeah, he's just too shy to look at Natasha." Wanda chuckles and of course Natasha decided to tease him.

Natasha moved closer to Steve and lowered her head to look up to him, as Steve eyes finally met hers, she gave out a seductive smile, "Hi, Captain America." she said and it got Steve all red again.

Natasha, Wanda and Sam of course laughed to see that. "Oh shut up guys." Steve shouted in annoyance as he covered his face and looked back to the road.

"Sorry, you're just really cute." Natasha said with a laugh.

"Please don't make out at the car with me and Wanda in it." Sam said.

"Hey!" Natasha shouted as she kicked Sam's seat. "What is it with you guys keep saying make out." She said in annoyance.

"100% Tony's influence." Wanda said.

"He wouldn't have the idea if you shut your mouth about me and Steve sleeping together." Natasha said sarcastically which made Steve again blushing all red, he is really trying to survive at the car because his heart keep on beating massively.

"It doesn't look like what you're hearing." Steve stated out firmly.

"Oh well, I don't know he will get that idea. I'm just joking about it." Wanda defends herself.

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