19 - "i think i'm in love"

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chapter 19

Natasha laughed a little seeing the chaos on the Avengers' group chat. She do love her friends, she really does, she find it funny that they're terrified of her somehow. "That was good Nat." Steve said with a chuckle.

"I know, he must be pissed. If something is wrong with the electricity, it's 100% Thor's fault" Natasha replied with a laugh and Steve laughed back.

"By the way um.. you're okay with what they're thinking?" Steve asked shyly.

"Which one?" Natasha asked with confusion.

"Well you know, about us." Steve replied as he shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm cool." Natasha nodded. Steve is glad that Natasha didn't feel annoyed or worse disgusted. "What I'm not okay with is what the hell is wrong with Wanda?" Natasha shouted in disbelief. "You can see how crazy she is at the group chat." She added in disbelief.

"She had been terribly annoying." Steve let out a laugh.

"Agreed. Yesterday she was so mature and today she became so childish. I can't believe I have to deal with more idiots now." Natasha said as she rolled her eyes. "This is probably 100% Clint and Tony's fault. They're contagious." She said with her arms crossed.

Steve laughed and said "I'm glad I'm not one of the idiot."

"Who says you're not?" Natasha asked with an eyebrow up.

"So you're saying I'm an idiot?" Steve asked in disbelief.

"Probably half idiot." Natasha said with a smirk and Steve smiled. "Why are you smiling like that?" Natasha asked.

"You're bea.. tiful." Well he can't say that now. "I'm bea what?" Natasha asked in confused. "You're being so annoying." Steve said with a frown.

"Stop acting cute." Natasha hit his arm playfully.

"Hey I'm not acting, you have admitted that I am cute." Steve teased.

"Well you are actually." Natasha smiled.

"So are you." Steve said as he gave a small peck on her nose and smiled.

"No I'm not." Natasha refuses.

"Yes you are." Steve defended.

"I don't see anything that makes me cute." She said with an eyebrow up.

"You're probably cute all the time if you're not in your killing mode." Steve teased.

"Killing mode? seriously?" Natasha laughed.

"Yeah killing mode. Highly terrifying." Steve nodded.

"Are you scared of me if I'm in my killing mode?" Natasha asked.

"Nope." Steve smiled faintly.


"I can beat you off." Steve teased.

"And you're saying I cannot beat you?" Natasha asked with an eyebrow up.

"I mean that's obvious." Steve shrugs.

"Yeah you're probably right. You can jump on me and boom, I lost."

"Hey I'm not saying I'll beat you up with my strength." Steve said in disbelief.

"What?" Natasha cocked her head in confusion.

"I don't want to hurt you and probably a good Captain America speech will be able to beat you off." Steve laughed.

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