27 - "because you're precious Nat"

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chapter 27

"Crap." Wanda cursed herself.

"We are SO dead." Sam mumbled, trying to act that he doesn't realise what was happening.

Both Wanda and Sam, decided to froze for a while and pretend to be a statue.

Natasha's eyes looked down glaring at Steve who seems to not realising yet about his position because he is still winching in shock. It took a few seconds for Steve to finally realise where his face landed and he screamed, "AAAAAA!!" Steve shouted in panic as he jumped back very far away from Natasha as the car stumbles because of his strenght and earned a confused look from the other three. Of course Wanda and Sam were surprised at such reaction but they only took a small glance and acted stupidly innocent paying attention to the map.

"OH MY GOD." Steve said in shook with both of his hands above his head. "I AM SO SORRY." He added with a guilty tone as his eyes meet Natasha's eyes.

"Ew Steve, what are you, a girl?" Natasha laughed off. Well it is of course quite shocking to see Captain America like that. Yelled like a girl and the fact that he said Oh My God while he's screaming historically.

"The grip I was holding on to, it broke." Steve said with concern. "I.. I didn't mean to, I swear to God." He said apologetically.

"Relax, no big deal." Natasha shrugged her shoulders.

"You can't say that." Steve said in disbelief which made Natasha confused as she raise one of her eyebrow up to demand some furthermore answers or perhaps explanation. "You HAVE to slap me." Steve sighed heavily.

"What? Why would I?" Natasha replied in confusion.

"Please slap me, it will make me feel better." Steve insists.

"I am not going to slap you." Natasha said in annoyance.

"Look, I'm really sorry. Even though it was an accident, you should slap me too Nat." Steve said sadly.

"It's fine Rogers, really." Natasha sighed.

"It's not!" Steve shouted. "What if it wasn't me? You're just going to let it be?" He asked in disbelief.

Natasha stayed silence for a moment, not knowing exactly how to answer that question. If it is some pervert that do it intentionally then of course she will slap him, but if it happens to be her friends and it was the same accident event similar to Steve's, she's unsure for some reasons.

"Sorry I didn't mean to yell at you." Steve said as he hold both of her hands. "But Nat, you can't be like that." Steve said with a sad tone, his eyes became dim and dark as if a shadow casted over them. "You have to respect yourself. Intentionally or unintentionally, I deserved to be slapped." He added with a bitter smile.

"Why do you think so?" Natasha asked.

"Because you're precious Nat." Steve answered sincerely as he looked sadly into her eyes and Natasha just smiled as she looked away from him.

It really break his heart to see this, to see Natasha being so cool about what happened before. Some people will think of it as a no big deal thing too, but for Steve Rogers, it is a really big deal. The fact that the woman he loved and he respected too much just not seem to respect herself and didn't see herself as someone precious, it broke his heart into pieces.

If she yelled or pushed him away, maybe it will make him feel a bit better but she didn't, she's just surprised and then afterwards, she acted so chill about it like nothing happened.

"Steve, you know I am perhaps not." Natasha sighed. "And you also know I had experienced worse." Natasha added. What Steve said aches her heart a bit, she was surprised to know that he really cared about her. She know she shouldn't act like it's no big deal but what could she do, she felt like she's already used to it.

"Please don't say that." Steve whispered looking down.

"It's okay." Natasha said with a bitter smile.

"It hurts me to hear that." Steve said sadly.

"Steve." Natasha said softly. "Don't be." She added with a both eyebrows up.  "I'm okay." She added again with a smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Steve said sadly.

"Just, please stop." Natasha said with a bitter smile.

"I'm really sorry." Steve apologizes again.

"Stop." Natasha said firmly.
"Stop breaking my walls down." Natasha said to herself sadly. Hearing that of course made Wanda flinched.

"Alright." Steve said giving up, he didn't want to make the situation harder for Natasha. "But are you really okay?" Steve asked in concern. He was afraid to ask, but it's better to be yelled than not knowing wheter she is okay or not.

"I'm okay Steve." Natasha replied with a bitter smile.

"Sorry." Steve mouthed.

"Steve.." Natasha rolled her eyes and Steve smiled, a broken smile to be exact. It's a really painful feeling for him of what just happened, it hurts him to remember how bad Natasha was treated back at her past, it hurts him to imagine how broken and alone she was before, at a very young age forced to be an assassin, she had no where to go and no people to lay on. She was just on her own, being used as they all wanted her to be.

Didn't want to be a suspect Sam decided to say something, "What just happened? Do you see a cockroach?" Sam joked out referring to Steve's scream and after hearing Sam's voice, Steve think that it must've been his doing, his and Wanda's doing.

Steve looked really mad for some reasons, whatever they're up to, he's not happy about it. "Go to hell Sam." Steve said angrily. "And you too Wanda." He added with a cynical look.

"I know it was a rough ride but I didn't expect you to be that mad." Natasha said in confusion.

"Well I'm really mad." Steve stated firmly which made Sam and Wanda unable to say anything. So hell it is.

After a few minutes they finally arrived and Sam parked the car.

"Remind me to never trust Sam in any circumstances." Natasha said sarcastically.

"At least nobody throwed up." Sam said proudly as he exit the car too with Steve and Wanda.

"Wanda almost throwed up." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"It was fun, like a roller coaster or perhaps bumpercar." Wanda said with a nod.

"Oh really?" Steve asked firmly. "I need to talk to both of you." He added angrily as he looks to Sam and Wanda.

"You guys are keeping secrets from me?" Natasha frowned.

"You'll probably murder them if you know what I'm going to talk about." Steve said.

"I won't mind." Natasha shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah but we do mind." Sam said with a forced smile and Wanda nodded.

"Alright then, see you." Natasha waves her hand as she walked towards the building.

When Natasha is no longer to be seen, Steve finally speak up, "Look at me." He said firmly and both Sam and Wanda turned their body to face him. "I don't know what you're planning to do, but you better stop." He added.

"It wasn't suppose to happen like that." Wanda said defending herself. "I'm really sorry, we just wanted to help you out." She said looking down sadly. Seeing Wanda like that, the woman that is already like her own sister made Steve's anger subsides.

"I'm sorry." Steve sighed heavily. "I shouldn't be that mad, but I guess I can't help it." Steve added. "Just, just respect her okay? Whatever game you're all playing." Steve said as he walked away from them.

"I don't know whether to be happy or sad." Sam shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah." Wanda agreed. "But I got something good." Wanda added.

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