40 - truth or dare pt.2

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chapter 40

"Spider kid from Queens?" Steve asked in confusion.

"Yes sir." Peter said with a nod. "But it's Spiderman actually." Peter exclaimed shyly.

"Kid, what are you doing here?" Tony asked with narrowed eyes.

"You invited me to a party." Peter answered. "Why is it only you guys?" Peter asked in confusion. "Am I late?" Peter asked again. "Or am I not invited?" Peter asked continiously.

"Sshhhh.." Tony said as he closes Peter's mouth with his fine arm. "Breath kid." Tony added.

"Okay sorry, I can't help it." Peter said as he removed Tony's hand from his mouth. "I'm really nervous right now." Peter said awkwardly with minds full of questions.

"We kinda, started early before the others came." Wanda answered as she knows what Peter questioned.

"Glad I didn't need to ask that out loud." Peter says to himself. "Wait, does in mean I was wrong when I read the invitation?" Peter asked himself.

"Yeah maybe you didn't read the invitation correctly." Wanda says.

"Okay silly me." Peter said to himself. "Wait how does she knows whats on my mind?" Peter asked in confusion. "I'm not talking loud unconsciously right?" Peter said.

"You're not talking loud unconsciously." Wanda sighed.

"I must be dreaming." Peter said to himself. "How could I earn answers without even questioning it at first?" Peter asked himself.  "This is like a movie scene, I knew it! She can read minds. But is it possible? But at my world, a lot of impossible things seems to be possible." Peter blabbered in his mind.

"Yes I can hear you. Can you stop talking?" Wanda said.

"That is so cool. I'm Peter Parker, we've met I guess, 2 times." Peter said happily. "And um hi everyone, I'm Peter Parker and I guess I should leave and come back later." Peter said as he about to escape the awkward situation because he is too shy.

"Hey kid! Wait up." Bruce  said and Peter turned back.

"You can join us play, we're playing games." Bruce said happily and Tony glared at him while Peter had a big smile on his face. "Really?" Peter asked.

"What? He's a teenager, this is his game." Bruce defended himself from Tony.

"What are we playing?" Peter asked happily as he sat next to Bruce.

"Truth or dare." Bruce answered happily.

"I'm sitting next to the Hulk, OMG I had to go tell Ned."  Peter said to himself with excitement.

"No no, no kid." Tony said shaking his head.

"But Mr. Stark." Peter said with pleading eyes.

"Don't be mean Tony." Rhodes said teasing Tony.

"Geez.. fine." Tony rolled his eyes in defeat. "Are you all fine with him?" Tony asked all the Avengers and they all nooded except for Thor.

"Is this the kid you mentioned?" Natasha whispers to Wanda.

"Well yeah." Wanda answered. "Come on, you guys are in the same team at Germany." Wanda added.

"But we didn't really talk to eachother, so." Natasha defended herself.

"Then try talking to him." Wanda shrugged her shoulder.

"Why would I?" Natasha asked with narrowed eyes.

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