17 - "can i hug you again?"

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chapter 17

"Hey Nat, here's your drink." Steve said as he run towards her and breathes heavily.

"You don't need to run Steve." Natasha said as she took the milk from his hand and drink it.

"I'm scared you might choke to death." Steve teased her.

"I am the Black Widow, I will not die because I choked on a sandwich." Natasha rolled her eyes in annoyance and Steve just laughed at her. "You better take some shower Cap, you're really sweating a lot." Natasha said.

"You want to join me?" Steve asked with a smile, this time he is really kidding because he think Natasha looked really cute when he teases her.

"Shut up!" Natasha replied as she throwed her sandwich to his head. Ouch, well honestly it doesn't hurt at all.

"I never thought you will actually hit my head with a peanut butter sandwich." Steve said in disbelief.

"You're being so annoying I can't help it." Natasha replied as she groaned. "I know you want to put revenge on me, but it has been too much these days." She added as she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, I just thought you looked really cute when you're blushing." Steve said shyly and Natasha cocked her head. "Oh really?" She asked.

"Well I always let you win, so when you firstly lose, your expression was priceless and I wanted to see it again." Steve said defending himself. He's actually being honest right now.

"For now please stop because I've been taking too much." Natasha said as she sighed.

"Does it really matter to you?" Steve asked with narrowed eyes. "Do you have feelings for me too?" He wanted to ask the second question badly but of course he is unable to say it.

"Since I happen to always win, having a lose streak isn't really delightful." Natasha replied as she smiled faintly.

"Alright, let's take a break." Steve said with both eyebrows up and Natasha nodded. He already knew how Natasha would've responded, there's no place to hope that she will be saying she had feelings for him, which is painful but he just wanted to be by herside.

"You're having bread crumbs on your hair." Natasha said with a laugh as she realise Steve's hair is really messy.

"Well you happen to be the suspect." Steve replied as he shake his head fastly to make the bread crumbs fall off.

"It's not going to fall if you do it like that you idiot." Natasha chuckles as she moved her hand to brush off the bread crumbs from his hair. "You know you're too tall for me." She said again so Steve lowered his head and Natasha tiptoes a bit. Lastly she blows softly towards his hair.

Steve's heart is of course beating massively again, with this distance, with her gentle touch, he wishes to be like this forever, to be this close to her without hesitation. "All good now." Natasha said as she is about to remove her hands from Steve's hair but Steve hold her hand, "Please stay." He said.

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Huh?" She asked.

"I like it.." Steve said quietly.

"What?" Natasha asked again.

"It's been over 80 years since my mother died. Nobody ever caresses my hair." Steve said shyly. "I think I miss it." He added with a smile.

"You know, I had given you your Steve Rogers clingy hours not until an hour ago." Natasha said sarcastically.

"Okay." Steve replied sadly as he let go of her hand but Natasha feel bad about it. "Fine." She sighed heavily and Steve smiled.

Natasha caresses his hair slowly with Steve looking down to the floor. It's weird for Natasha to see Steve like this, but what's more weird is she keep on agreeing on what he wanted her to do.

"Feeling better?" Natasha asked as she stopped caressing his hair and stopped tiptoeing.

"Yep, thanks to you." Steve replied as he raised his head. "Seriously are you Natasha Romanoff?" He asked in disbelief, of course Steve is also surprised that Natasha didn't decided to threw him off the balcony.

"I do one better, seriously are you Steve Rogers?" She asked mimicking him. For all these years they had know eachother, Steve never been so clingy or showed his weak side to her, it was only once at Peggy's funeral and that's it, maybe if she didn't decide to stop by, Steve wouldn't even bother to ask her for a hug and even when they lost a fight to Thanos, Steve still hide his weak side and stayed strong.

"Are you really okay? I heard you and Tony got to the 40s before." Natasha asked with concern.

"I'm fine, it's good to be back to take a look for a while though." Steve smiled faintly.

"Then what made you became like this?" Natasha asked in curiosity.

"Like what?" Steve asked back, he is also not knowing what is Natasha's asking about.

"You are so fragile and pitiful." Natasha answered as she cocked her head. Steve got a bit surprised, he does realise after last night, he's a bit too opened-up to her. "I mean it's okay Steve, but if you have a problem you can tell me, maybe I could help you out to clear your mind." Natasha added with furrowed eyebrows.

"I told you, I just missed you." Steve answered. He decided to answer honestly since he didn't knew what is good to be lied, so he tell the truth. "Nat, I've lost a lot in my life, I just can't seem to get use to it." Steve added and Natasha hold his hand. "Everything is going to be okay Steve, you won't be losing anyone or anything again." She said sincerely.

"I'm really sorry I made you felt uncomfortable a lot of times. It's just that, I really good carried away." Steve said with sad eyes. "Losing you makes all the pain overflow again." He added without looking at her eyes.

Natasha's heart aches a bit after she heard what he said, it was so sincere and meaningful. She understand about Steve's feeling, it's true that he had lost many things in his life. Even though some peoples might get use to it, it is still really hard for him.

When they lost to Thanos, he does seem fine, he tried to move on, he made people move on but deeply in his heart, he is unable to move on. It's like losing another world again for the second time, and of course it is really painful.

"Steve, stop grieving okay? I'm here now and if you need my help in any circumstances just don't hesitate to call me." She added and Steve nodded, by that time he knew that Natasha understand his feeling of lost and she respected it, she didn't make fun of him or joke it out but she respect it and she is willing to be by his side if he needed her.

"Thank you Nat." Steve smiled faintly.

"Don't mention it." Natasha smiled back at him.

"Can I hug you again?" Steve said with both eyebrows up as he opened his arms.

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