30 - lights off pt. 2

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chapter 30

"Done." Wanda said proudly.

"I thought this was your job Tony." Clint said.

"Technology might gone wrong, I prefer to go in a much convincing way." Tony said defending himself.

"You just don't want to work." Wanda rolled her eyes.

"Bingo." Tony snapped.

"So, 1 hour?" Sam asked.

"That's too long, Natasha will be pissed and Steve probably know this is our doing." Wanda said, she's not wrong though.

"Make it 20 minutes?" Tony asked with an eyebrow up and the others nooded.

"Honestly guys, I don't think this will do anything." Sam said.

"People usually do make outs at the dark." Tony joked.

"Yeah but not them." Wanda rolled her eyes. "We're just giving them time to be together a bit longer." She added.

"I actually did something that I didn't tell you guys." Clint said.

"Oh no." Tony, Wanda and Sam said together with concern because they know, whatever Clint do, it's not going to be good.

"Hey don't look at me like that." Clint said in annoyance. "You all really underestimate me do you?" He asked.

"Yeah." The three of them replied together with a nod and Clint rolled his eyes in disbelief.

"It's going to be fine." Clint said reassuring them but of course they don't trust him at all.

On the other side, both Natasha and Steve were surprised, but of course they're not scared, well they had been in worst situation.

"Well f*ck." Natasha cursed.

"Language!" Steve joked out and Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Let me guess, you didn't bring your phone." Natasha said with both eyebrows up.

"Yeah.. it's out of battery." Steve said as he scratched the back of his neck shyly and Natasha nodded.

Natasha took out her phone from her pocket and called Tony. "Hey, what's going on?" Natasha asked.

"You know, I said before that Wanda should deal with the lights because maybe she can create something cool and I guess it wasn't a good idea." Tony answered.

"Cut to the point." Natasha demands in annoyance.

"Mean." Tony frowned. "Point is, it's Wanda's fault!" Tony added. "NO IT'S NOT! YOU FORCED ME!" Wanda shouted.

"Fine yes, it's my fault too I guess." Tony said as he sighed.

"Then turn it back on." Natasha rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"We tried, but I think she broke a power source that shut the whole building down and it may take a few minutes." Tony said and Natasha hung up.

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