37 - typical friends

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chapter 37

"Let's just get over it Steve." Natasha said with a narrowed eyes. "You said it yourself you don't wanna get awkward." She added with a nod.

"Yeah especially when we're about to spend a lot of time together." Steve nodded to.

"You're already too shy when we're cool, imagine what will happen in awkward situations, you would probably stand in the corner staring at the wall for no reasons." Natasha joked out and both of them laughed.

"Staring at the wall?" Steve chuckles.

"Seriously Steve, you have to stop being shy around women." Natasha said.

"I can't help it, that's just me being me." Steve shrugged his shoulders.

"If you keep being nervous, you would probably never have a girlfriend." Natasha joked.

"Well I don't want any." Steve said with both eyebrows up.

"Why? Because you like me?" Natasha teases him.

"I didn't say I like you." Steve said. "I love you." He said to himself.

"Well that's like what you're trying to say earlier." Natasha said.

"No, I said I was scared of got carried away." Steve insisted and Natasha laughed.

"Stop messing with me." Steve rolled his eyes. "You said it yourself that it's common so it will eventually just pass away." He added looking at her and Natasha nodded. "Which I believe isn't true." He said to himself.

"Do you feel that common things too?" Steve asked curiously.

"Um, I feel happy when I'm with you." Natasha said.

"That doesn't answer my question." Steve stated.

Natasha sighed heavily because for some reasons she couldn't say no but she couldn't say yes either. "I'm not sure." Natasha shrugged her shoulders which made Steve surprised, he was actually expecting a short firm No from Natasha.

"What was that? Is it possible for me to hope?" Steve asked himself.

"Hey, don't blame me. You're attractive too, and kind." Natasha said breaking the silence.

"I wasn't going to judge you." Steve said.

"Good." Natasha said shortly.

"Wait, did you just say I was attractive?" Steve asked with a smirk teasing her.

"I don't need to answer that." Natasha said with crossed arms.

"Stop trying to look cool, you're wearing a dress." Steve rolled his eyes.

"Am I not allowed to look cool while I'm wearing a dress?" Natasha asked with an eyebrow up.

"You know what? I'm done arguing with you." Steve said as he looked away.

"Because you know you will never win against me." Natasha said.

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