44 - "do you feel a tingle?"

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chapter 44

Natasha walked outside the balcony, she was still shocked of what she just saw because she didn't know whether it was true or not. Natasha didn't remember it at all, or perhaps she thought it was a dream, she really thought of it as her dream but the deja vu felt so real, unlike a dream.

As much as she wants to find out the truth, she was frightened because she might have known the answer itself, that it was never a dream that she kissed Steve right after she is alive again. Now she felt bad for that man. "Damn it Natasha." She muttered in disbelief.

"You good?" A familiar voice approaches her.

"Steve I don't feel like seeing you right now." Natasha said looking away from Steve. Believe it or not aside her feeling bad for him, she is nervous too.

Steve frowned sadly and decided to tease Natasha, "why do you feel the tingle?" Steve asked with a laugh.

"What tingle?" Natasha asked as she look at him, keeping her cool.

"When you kissed me." Steve teased.

"Oh shut up Steve." Natasha rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Okay I'll take that as a yes." Steve teased.

"No you're not." Natasha defended herself. "I feel no tingle so quit it." She added in annoyance. Of course she lied, even though she only felt a bit of tingle because she was distracted by the images that flashes her mind, deja vu.

"Alright sorry." Steve laughed.

"I'm also sorry Steve." Natasha said. "I shouldn't choose dare today." Natasha sighed heavily.

"I had a feeling you will though." Steve said.

"That's why you looked a bit resigned." Natasha laughed.

"Well I had hopes you wouldn't because of perhaps everything that happened today?" Steve said pointing out everything that made sense.

"I know, I was stupid." Natasha facepalm her head. "How could I not think that far." Natasha added in disbelief.

"I should've took a sit beside you to remind you." Steve said proudly.

"Yeah right." Natasha said. "When I see Wanda's vicious smile I was suddenly fully conscious." Natasha added.

"But it was too late." Steve said.

"Damn it." Natasha cursed. "And don't you dare to say language." Natasha added.

"Alright maam." Steve said firmly.

"But Nat I was wondering..." Steve said but he was unsure to finish his sentence.

"What?" Natasha asked.

"Eh it doesn't matter." Steve said as he looked away.

"Seriously Steve?" Natasha said in annoyance.

"I .. I was just wondering why did you kiss me like that." Steve said, he is very nervous to ask that and he couldn't lie to himself that he was hoping Natasha to fall for him.

"Since it will be our last kiss, I just want to give you a good one." Natasha answered as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Last kiss." Right of course there will no longer any reasons for them to kiss, Steve thought which aches his heart.

"Trust me it's better than what happened this morning." Natasha teased.

Still feeling a bit sad hearing those hurtful truth, Steve still managed to laugh a bit.

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