8 - family reunion

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chapter 8

Since it had already been an hour, Steve and Natasha decided to go back to the main building. They had small conversations during their walk and Steve just couldn't stop being happy to see her smile, her beautiful smile that makes his heart beating crazily.

"Oh Nat, sorry I had to check on Bucky. Sam is already waiting for me, is it okay if you continue your walk by yourself?" Steve asked.

"I'm not a kid Steve, why are you even asking." Natasha replied with a smile.

"I thought you might need company. So I had to ask for permission first." Steve said shyly.

"I'm fine Steve, see you." Natasha said and they waved good bye to each other.

After a few minutes, Natasha finally reached the main building, she was surprised too see Vision with Wanda, just sitting and smiled at each other. "Vision?" Natasha asked in confusion.

"Natasha!" Wanda shouted as she ran towards Natasha and hugged her tightly.

"Woah slow down. What happened?" Natasha asked as she hugged back Wanda with one arm.

Wanda then let go and explain the things that had happened to Natasha. Natasha's was also surprised that the words she said before happens to be something that will happen in a really short time but most importantly, she feel happy for Wanda and also Vision. She just smiled as Wanda continues to tell her story, the looks on Wanda's eyes were different from before. It was a bit forced to life eyes, it mostly stares blanky and unfocused but now it's really shiny, followed by joy and happines.

"I'm really happy for the both of you. It's good to have you back Vision." Natasha said.

"Thank you Miss Romanoff." Vision said politely. "Oh Wanda tells me about everything that had happened, I am glad that you and Mr. Stark came back too." He added with a smile.

"Thanks Vision." Natasha replied. "So I guess I'll be leaving you two then." Natasha added as they waved good bye to each other and Natasha went to the other lab where Tony and Bruce were at an hour before.

She realise that the treatment was done but of course their arms are still injured so it may took some several times more. "Glad you remembered us." Tony said as he rolled his eyes.

"Well we came here for you guys." Natasha said as she take a seat at an empty chair.

"I can see you all are having fun out from here." Tony said again in amusement.

"Can you stop being annoying for 1 f*cking second Tony?" Natasha said as she rolled her eyes.

"He isn't Tony Stark if he's not annoying." Bruce said.

"Oh well..." Natasha shrugged her shoulders.

"He's right Nat. I should be annoying." Tony stated.

"You don't have to tell again, you already are." Natasha said in annoyance. "Oh there's some good news outside if you're wondering." She added with a serious tone.

"Morgan's here?" Tony asked in excitement.

"What? No, that's not good news." Natasha said in disbelief.

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