15 - "women like you happens to be more attractive."

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chapter 15

Natasha is at the balcony, just staring at the view eating her sandwich, it's true she's not mad at all but she just wants to eat peacefully so she decided to left, she also felt like she didn't show any anger so her friends would probably know she's not mad, not forgetting the fact that Wanda is able to tell them too. But who knows there will be this one stubborn person that doesn't believe Wanda and run crazily all over the building just to find Natasha.

"Nat!" Steve shouted as he finally found her, he is sweating a lot, like really a lot.

Natasha turned to look at him and she was surprised. "Steve did you just worked out?" she asked.

"No, I was looking for you." Steve replied as he breathes heavily.

"What? Why?" Natasha asked.

"Are you mad at me?" Steve asked as he walks closer to her.

"No I'm not." Natasha replied. "I thought you all notice." She added. "Didn't Wanda tell you all anything?" She asked again.

"She did but I choose to not believe her." Steve replied with a laugh.

"And well look at you know. Already having a rough morning I guess." Natasha teased him as she laughed too. "You're a mess." She added with a smirk.

"At least it brings me to you." Steve replied with a heartfelt smile.

"Steve you have got to stop flirting with me." Natasha said as she rolled her eyes. "I'm eating, I don't wanna choke." She said with a chuckle.

"Or perhaps you can just sandwich-kiss me and let me be the one that choke." Steve teased her.

"Okay stop, that thing just came out of nowhere, I'm so sorry." Natasha said.

"It's okay." Steve replied with a smile. "So we're cool right?" He asked to Natasha.

"Of course." She replied shortly.

"Um do you believe that I was thinking of you as a jerk?" Steve asked with his both eyebrows up.

"Well it's harder to believe the other one." Natasha replied as she shrugged her shoulders. "Because I happen to not see any cute in me." She added with a smile.

"You happen to be cute having peanut butter splattered around your lips." Steve teased her and Natasha looked surprised, she moved her other hand to wipe it away but she wiped it at the wrong place so Steve wipe it away for her, and tease her by licking the peanut butter from his fingers.

"It still taste good." Steve said with a smirk and Natasha's ears turned red as she looked away.

"Fine then have your win." She said shyly without looking at him.

"See, you do looked cute." Steve said with a smile.

Natasha turned to look at him and send him a confused expression, "So you're saying that what Wanda said first happens to be the truth?" She asked. "Steve I was being mean at them, seriously?" She asked again as she narrowed her eyes.

"I wasn't thinking about anything before. I don't know why she suddenly blurted out." Steve lied. He realise it happens to be a bit weird saying Natasha's cute while she is being mean to people but that's just what happen when you fall in love right? Your eyes became a bit blind, and all you can feel is happiness and warmth when you look at her. Even if she's yelling or probably kicking someone in their faces, Steve will think it's cute.

"Okay then." Natasha replied shortly.

"Can I ask you something Nat?" Steve asked with a smile.

"No." Natasha replied and Steve's smile fades away. "Steve I'm just kidding, you don't need my permission to ask me anything." Natasha added as she rolled her eyes and Steve nodded.

"Why didn't you kick me out last night?" Steve asked curiously.

"Because the other night you asked me to sleep with you." Natasha teased him, well he did asked but he was kidding, it was when Drax sees everything.

"Natasha, I'm being serious." Steve sighed in disbelief.

"Geez, okay. I don't think it's bad to have company." Natasha replied as she shrugged her shoulders. "Also it's not like you will be doing anything because I know you and I trusted you." Natasha said with a smile. "I also have a gun below my bed if you happen to be a pervert." Natasha added with a smirk.

"Natasha.." Steve said as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm just kidding." Natasha laughed. "I will not shoot you." She added again with a laugh.

"Even if I happen to be a pervert?" Steve asked with a smirk.

"I know you're not." Natasha answered with an eyebrow up.

"But I kissed you." Steve narrowed his eyes.

"Well yeah." Natasha said looking down.

"I'm sorry." Steve said sadly.

"No, it's fine." Natasha said looking at him. "You didn't mean to do it." She insisted. "I trust you Steve." Natasha said again. "And if I had to remind you, you called me maam twice, or maybe more." She added teasing him and Steve got shy.

"Well we just know eachother, I can't call you by your name yet." Steve said defending himself.

"See, you respect a women too much to be a pervert." Natasha laughed as she hit his arm playfully. "Well if you do still see me as a woman after I kinda murder some peoples and aliens in front of you." She added with a smirk.

"It's not only men's business to murder peoples and aliens." Steve replied with crossed arms.

"Good to know that." Natasha replied shortly.

"Yep, women like you happens to be more attractive." Steve said with a flirty smile and Natasha chocked on her sandwich.

Steve was startled, he move fastly to pat Natasha's back slowly as she finally get over coughing. "Steve I told you to stop." Natasha sighed heavily.

"Sorry, it just came out. Should I grab you a drink?" Steve asked with concern.

"Yeah I'll probably be needing that." Natasha replied as she cleared her throat and Steve left her to grab a drink for her.

While alone, Natasha was lost in her thoughts, she seem to not be able to forget what Steve just said.

"Women like you happens to be more attractive."

For a second she felt an uneasy feeling in her heart as she couldn't stop smiling, but she still keep her cool in front of Steve though. Is she falling for him?

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