5 - "it's getting hot here"

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chapter 5

"What a crazy dream." Natasha said to herself and went out to grab some water because her throat became sore. Dream she thought.

"Is there nobody staying here though?" She said quietly as she walks through the hallways.

But when Natasha was about to reach the kitchen, she notices a familiar figure which happens to be Steve. She was a bit started and about to walk back to her room because she is planning to avoid Steve after the crazy dream she had of kissing him. Which happens to be Not a Dream at all.

When Natasha was about to run for her life, she sneezed. Which made Steve, turn around to face her. "F*ck me." Natasha cursed herself. "Oh hey Steve." She said trying to act normal.

"Hi." He replied shortly as Natasha walks towards him to grab a glass of water. "So you just woke up now?" He asked.

"Yeah.. I know, being drunk right after you came back to life after death is just weird." Natasha replied.

"Really weird to be exact." Steve pointed out.

"Well you know, there's just this I want to feel alive feeling and I couldn't help it so yeah, just ran for some drinks that won't make me sober." She said defending herself and Steve let out a chuckle. "He seems normal, so it's totally a dream right." Natasha said to herself.

"Do you happen to recall anything while you drunk." Steve asked and Natasha chocked on her drink. She was coughing while Steve pat her back.

"She remembers." Steve said to himself with tense.

"Thanks. Um.. I don't think I do. But there's.. I think I won't be saying it." Natasha said with narrowed eyes.

"Okay so she don't?" Steve asked himself in confusion.

"So did anything happen? And um.. did you carry me to my room?" Natasha asked to broke the silence.

"Nothing happens." Steve said without any hesitation. "And yes I did carry you, but I didn't do anything in your room." He added.

Natasha laughed and said, "I trust you Steve. Don't be so exarggating." and Steve smiled faintly.

"If only you know. Again, don't blame me, I don't know you're drunk." Steve said to himself.

"But.. how do I fell asleep? I was talking to you, if I'm not mistaken though." Natasha asked.

"In my embrance. Well yeah I can't say that."
"At the couch." Steve lied. "We had end our conversation after I praise you of course." He chuckles.

"Ah yes.." Natasha replied.

"So I left to my room and when I came back I find you asleep on the couch. Then I decided to carry you to your room because I smell alcohol and thought you might pass out for a long time, and guess what, 8 hours." He laughed and Natasha laughed too.

"I'm so proud that I'm getting good at these lying stuffs." Steve said to himself proudly.

"I would be surprised if you just made up all of those things." Natasha teased.

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