26 - bumpy ride

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chapter 26

"As a friend of course." He added and Natasha felt relieved.

"I am so done with him." Sam whispers with annoyance to Wanda.

"I know." Wanda whispered back as she rolled her eyes.

"I love you guys too." Steve said to both Wanda and Sam. "I wouldn't mind to give you a morning kiss Wanda." Steve said with a nod. "If Vision wouldn't murder me of course." He added.

"Hey what about me?" Sam asked in disbelief.

"Well for you, probably a hug will do." Steve answered.

"That's not fair." Sam frowned. "I can show it off to my friends all day." He added.

"Yeah that's probably the reason why I'm not giving you morning kisses." Steve rolled his eyes.

"Steve said you had been showing off the heart emojis that Steve sent you to your friends." Natasha said.

"Dude, how dare you tell her that?" Sam asked in disbelief. "I thought we were friends." He added.

"I don't think that's a big deal." Steve said in confusion.

"You are lowering my pride in front of the Black Widow." Sam rolled his eyes.

"I don't think you have any before." Natasha said mimicing Steve tone and Wanda laughed. "Yeah right." Wanda said.

"Now I got bullied again." Sam sighed heavily.

"You're worth to be bullied." Wanda said and Sam gave her a cynical look and everyone laughed except for him.

As they finally stopped laughing, Steve and Natasha is no longer in the awkward atmosphere so they dicuss about the road, it became crowded than before because of the blip. It's a really great sight to see.

"Let's do it now." Sam mouthed to Wanda and Wanda nodded at him. "You better fasten your seatbelt." He whispers to her.

When there's finally a turn, Sam swerve hardly and it shocked them all.

"What the hell Sam." Natasha said moved away from Steve.

"Yeah what the hell." Wanda acted.

"Sorry, I guess it really had been a while." Sam lied.

"You said you were a pilot." Natasha argued.

"Driving on land is different with on air." Sam defends himself.

"Since you admitted you better move away from your seat." Steve said trying to keep his cool.

"And sit beside Natasha? Digging my own grave? No thanks." Sam said with a nod.

"Fine then, I'll drive." Natasha insisted.

"Isn't that more dangerous?" Sam teased.

"Oh really." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"It's just one turn guys, we will be fine." Sam reassured and the others decided to agree because it really had been a while.

Sam turns on a really loud music purposely so he won't be able to hear Natasha yelling at him and there goes another turn that cause Steve bumping into Natasha.

"Ouch." Natasha groaned in pain.

"Sorry." Steve apologise as he quickly moved away and of course he is blushing.

"Really Steve?" She whispers and Steve pretend not to hear her and looked away.

Natasha was holding herself patiently for not breaking Sam's neck by any reasons.

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